Surviving Thanksgiving with Food Allergies/Intolerances

Surviving Thanksgiving With Food Allergies-Intolerances

It’s exactly one week from Thanksgiving. While most normal people are looking forward to a three day workweek, tryptophan overload, and Black Friday sales, food allergic families are quietly (or not so quietly) panicking over the thought of The Big Feast.

When you deal with food allergies and/or food intolerances, big food oriented gatherings like Thanksgiving become a minefield.

Instead of being able to relax and enjoy the fellowship of your friends and family, you spend the entire time wondering if and when you or your children will get sick.

Not fun.

However, with a lot of planning and respect, food allergy families and their non-allergic family and friends can all enjoy a wonderful day together.

Don’t get me wrong…it won’t be easy! And if you’re like me, you’ll still be nervous with all that “unsafe” food around.

Still, it is possible to pull off a Thanksgiving where everyone has something to eat, and nobody gets sick.

This will be my 4th year of surviving Thanksgiving with varying degrees of food issues complicating matters, so I decided to share some tips that help enormously.


Most people plan a Thanksgiving menu in advance, but usually don’t have to spend much time on it. After all, it’s a traditional meal, right? So tradition says that “our family has had turkey and dressing, and _____ side dishes since Grandma was a baby, so that’s what we make”.

Food allergy families will have to plan a little more thoroughly than that. 

For starters, you’ll need to decide your general approach to Thanksgiving. There are 3 basic options. 

  1. The “No-Thanksgiving” Thanksgiving. You tell your extended family to stay at home, and you and your immediate family sit down to a fairly typical meal for you that is completely, 100% safe. (This is a perfectly valid option if your food allergic family member is highly sensitive, and your extended family is highly INsensitive.)
  2. The “Only If We Trust You” Thanksgiving. You invite only the most conscientious, respectful members of your extended family over for a semi-safe meal. There will be dishes on the table that aren’t safe, but you decide to risk it due to the nature of the people you’ve invited over. They’ll work hard to keep accidental food ingestion a non-issue.
  3. The “We Can’t Figure Out How To Get Out of It” Thanksgiving. You suck it up and decide to go to the completely unsafe, large family gathering with people who have varying degrees of understanding and respect about your food issues. This is the most challenging of the three, as it means you’ll have to bring every single bite of food your family eats with you and you’ll have to eat in shifts so someone trusted can keep an eye on the kids at all times to ensure no accidental food snatching takes place. You’ll probably also have to detox your wardrobe and bathe everyone the second you get home to remove residue of dangerous foods.

Whichever game plan you decide to follow, you’ll need to plan out the menu as thoroughly as you can. It’s actually easier to do this if you choose options 1 or 3; then you just make typical foods that are safe for your family. It’s basically just another normal dinner night!

Option 2, though, means you’re actually going to attempt something that somewhat represents a typical Thanksgiving feast. You’ll have to look for allergy free versions of traditional dishes. This is hard, but not impossible. (Check out the links at the bottom of this post for ideas!)

Some dishes won’t be doable, but you can sub other safe sides for those. And the respectful, courteous family and friends you invite over won’t make a big deal out of it (or they’ll bring the dish they can’t live without but make sure they’re the only ones who eat it).


Staying home with  no one else coming over makes it simple. It’s a normal dinner, so no extra effort involved!

Options 2 and 3, however, mean you’re going to need to divide up the workload. No matter how you cut it, two complete dinners are required for those options…and nobody can make all that food single-handedly without going insane!

If option 3 is in play, just notify the coordinator of the large family gathering that you will be providing all the food your immediate family will eat, so they don’t have to worry about making anything for you. All they need to do is provide food for everyone else. Ta-da! You’ve delegated.

If option 2 is in play, decide who will  be the main cooks on the big day and coordinate with them. Who will cook which dish? Where will it be cooked? Cooking the allergic persons foods in the safest kitchen and relocating it (if necessary) is probably the best option, but the other foods can be cooked wherever.

Try to be considerate and keep the workload fairly evenly split.


Set down some rules before the feast begins.

Your rules will vary depending on your needs, but some of the rules I’ve used in the past are:

  • All the food goes on the kitchen counters. Load your plate and bring it to the table. (This means my kids have less to snatch from when we’re sitting down to eat.)
  • As soon as you’re done eating, plates get scraped off and put in the sink. (No little bites sitting unattended, tempting my kids.)
  • As soon as dinner is over, food gets covered and put away (as much as possible). Leftover munching is fine…you’ll have to get it from the fridge. No food left on the counters.
  • No sharing off plates.
  • Each dish gets its own serving spoon. No sharing or swapping.
  • No one feeds my kiddos except me or their Daddy.

I’m sure there are other rules that you can think of that will be necessary for your family, but that might get you started.


Having all this food around is stressful for food allergic families, but if you’ve planned ahead, delegated, and laid down the rules, I’d encourage you to try and relax. Remember to enjoy the company of the people you are with! Sometimes you’ll only see these folks a handful of times per year, and that’s always worth savoring.

Besides, it IS Thanksgiving. It’s a day to remember all our blessings and truly express our gratitude for them. Our children (or ourselves) may have food issues, but we all still have much to praise.

However, if you find yourself in a situation (particularly in option 3) where there isn’t time to praise and relax due to the danger of the scenario, then the last tip I can share is…


Decide ahead of time what your safety limit is, and agree that when that limit is reached, YOU LEAVE.

Doesn’t matter if you haven’t seen Great-Aunt Edna in two years.

Doesn’t matter that the kids were getting a rousing game of chase going in the hallways.

Doesn’t matter that the Game is on.

Doesn’t matter ANYTHING except that there are plates of food at the kids eye-level with no one eating off them, bowls of food still sitting on the table with no one around, and you caught your Cousin Larry trying to slip your dairy allergic kiddo a bite of pumpkin pie.

SEE YA, FAMILY! We’re outta here!

After all, leaving a place where a food reaction is inevitable is certainly something to give thanks for, right?

Those are my best tips for surviving – and maybe even enjoying – Thanksgiving (or any large holiday feast) with food allergies and/or intolerances.

Do you have any extra tips you’ve found useful?

Oh, just in case you’re struggling with your own menu, here are a few of my recipes you might find useful for Thanksgiving:

Pumpkin Pie & Crust Gluten-Dairy-Egg-Soy Free   Homemade Cranberry Sauce cradlerockingmama   Gluten & Gum Free Vegan Perfect Sandwich Bread cradlerockingmama   Dairy Free Creamy Mashed Potatos CradleRockingMama   Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus    Salmon Stuffed Mushrooms

Allergy-Free Cinnamon Seasoned "Nuts"


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and Real Food Wednesday.

Pumpkin Pie Revisited!

Unlike last year, this year I’m planning ahead for Thanksgiving.

I decided to start with my Pumpkin Pie recipe. I took a peek at it, tweaked some photos and added a nifty printable recipe option. Now it is all updated and ready for your Thanksgiving feast! (Well, the recipe is ready. You still have to make the pie yourself!)

This year I’m providing this recipe with a little more than one days notice. Ahem.

Later this week I plan to make some homemade pumpkin puree for next weeks pies. If it turns out well (or, honestly, even if it doesn’t), I’ll share that particular how-to here as well.

Get ready for some yummy Thanksgiving-themed posts, folks! 

Let’s start with that Pumpkin Pie recipe (because shouldn’t everything START with Pumpkin Pie??). It’s gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, and egg-free. Oh, and in case you missed it the first time around, changing just two ingredients in this recipe (substitutions offered) makes it both top 8 allergy free AND Vegan!

Just click on the photo to find the most awesome dairy, egg, soy and gluten-free pumpkin pie recipe and crust you’ll ever eat!

Happy Baking!

Pumpkin Pie & Crust Gluten-Dairy-Egg-Soy Free



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Real Food Wednesday and Gluten Free Wednesday

A Little Cuteness

A Little Cuteness

I spent this weekend at work, flying 34 hours from Friday afternoon through Monday night.

Why yes, I AM exhausted!

So I’m giving myself a break from anything too strenuous or thought-filled today, as I get back in to my normal Mommy routine.

Instead, I’m going to be a totally annoying Mama and share some moments of sheer cuteness the boys have given us in the last few weeks!

Hope you don’t mind…and please, tell me some cute stories about your kiddos in the comments! Cute kiddo stories are always welcome!

Last time I went to work, Jed decided to write a letter to Santa. My Mom told him which letters to push on the computer keyboard, and he typed it all himself.

There are lots of typo’s. Mom didn’t change a thing that he did. It’s adorable.

He told Santa he wanted a big box of wooden train track, and three specific trains.

Then he told Santa that his brother, Zac, wanted a ball and a Thomas train.

He pointed out that he and Zac have been very good boys this year. Of course!

Then he signed his name at the bottom.

When I got home, he proudly showed me his letter. He insisted on addressing the letter to Santa, once I folded it up and put it in an envelope. He did such a good job (for a kiddo who doesn’t know how to make all his letters yet)! Even put the stamp on all by himself.

Letter to Santa

Yes, he got a little overenthusiastic about the N’s in Santa’s name.

We drove to the post office in our nearby small town to mail his letter. After waiting patiently in line, Jed insisted I lift him up so he could talk to the post office lady.

“Will you give this to Santa, please?” he asked her.

The entire lobby of the post office let out a collective “Aw!” when he asked her that. She grinned.

“Certainly. Have you been a good boy this year?” she asked.

“I have!” Jed replied. “I told Santa I want wooden track and Belle and Spencer and my brother Zac wants a ball and a Thomas and we’ve been very good!”

Then I slid her a note with my parents P.O. Box number, asking her to deposit it there for us.

She hand cancelled the letter and put it in their box, so we already have Jed’s letter back.

That’s a scrapbook addition!

With all the chicken Zac has been eating lately, I’ve gotten a little tired of picking all the meat off the bones for him. That’s a lot of work!

One night, after cooking the chicken legs, I realized that “hey! When I was a kid, all I wanted to eat was the legs! Why not give it a shot?” So I did.

And Zac quickly taught himself the proper procedure for eating chicken right off the bone.

Watching him chow down on a big ol’ piece of chicken thigh or leg just tickles me, for some reason. He reminds me of the scene in “The Croods” where Eep inhales the leg so quickly that Guy looks scared!

Chowing Down on Chicken

Chowing Down on Chicken II

Plus, you know, I just love to watch my son eat. Anything.

One night before bed Darrel sat down with the kids and read them bedtime stories.

Bedtime Story

That just melts me.

Remember when I discussed the front porch enclosure we did last fall?

Well, it never quite got completely finished. We needed to finish painting the inside exposed 2 x 4’s. Finally, Darrel and I got around to doing it.

Jed insisted on helping!

Let me just say…a 4 year old with a paint brush is a sight to behold!

He was actually pretty good; once Darrel showed him how to scrape off the excess paint from his brush and paint in long strokes, he helped paint a decent amount of porch.

But how he got paint in these places on his body, I’ll never know:

Jed Helped Paint

Jed Helped Paint II

Paint down his back and in his hair. Paint IN his ear! Really, Jed?

A good scrub down in the bathtub took care of all the paint splatters.

Even for Zac, who decided to stick his hand IN the paint can…thus prompting the bathtub scrub down.

Darrel and the boys dropped me off at the airport when I left for work last week. As we hugged good-bye, I noticed that the boys were dressed cute and the light was pretty.


I don’t have many photos of the kids together, both smiling and looking adorable at the same time. But I keep trying for those precious pictures!

I told the boys to sit down on the bench and smile.

One problem: it was COLD.

So here’s the thought bubbles for each of the boys for each of these pictures:

ZAC: I love Mommy! Mommy makes me happy. I will smile for Mommy.
JED: IT’S COLD! Why is she asking me to smile when I can’t feel my lips??

Smiling for Mommy 2

ZAC: Man, I have the best time with my Mommy! Look at those funny faces she’s making me! Mommy is so funny!
JED: Mommy…are you for real? DO YOU NOT FEEL THIS TEMPERATURE??

Smiling for Mommy 3

ZAC: Yeah, I’m cute. And I know it.
JED: It is freezing! But Zac really is pretty cute. I guess I can sort of smile at him.

Smiling for Mommy

Right after that photo was taken, Darrel got cold enough that he said “OK, kiss Mommy good bye and let’s get in the car!” So I still didn’t get a great ‘both boys together shot’. Oh well. It’ll happen one day!

This little anecdote doesn’t have any photos…and it’s a little bittersweet.

The other night Zac wanted ice cream. It was past his bedtime. He was tired and hungry. So he pointed to the other chair at the dining room table and indicated he wanted me to sit there.

Then he refused to feed himself. I had to spoon feed him the ice cream.

Halfway through the bowl, I remarked to Darrel that this was sort of a flashback…but not to Zac.

When Jed first started eating solids at 6 months old, Darrel and I took turns spoon feeding him at mealtime. We had to put every bite he ate into his mouth for months (until he learned how to chew and do finger foods).

By the time Zac started actually eating, he was able and willing to use a spoon or fork and feed himself.

I never got to feed Zac as a baby.

I don’t know why, but I’m kind of sad to realize that.

So I really enjoyed spoon feeding him ice cream that night! It was fun.

It was also his third bowl of ice cream. The kid can EAT!

Thanks for your indulgence. I’m going to go sleep some more now. So, what’s your sweetest/cutest kid story?

Getting Back on the (Food Trial) Horse

Getting Back on the Food Trial Horse

We have some good news: sweet potatos and cauliflower are still safe!

Yay, Zac!

They’re even still safe for me! Once again, I’m having to learn all about a new food issue…salicylates are throwing me for a loop.

Remember when I ate the sweet potato and had an instant reaction? Nasty little headache and stomach cramps for hours?

Well, a friend who has recently learned quite a bit about salicylates said that sals increase in “older” foods. The sweet potatos we were giving Zac at the beginning of the re-trial (when he had sleep disturbances) were about 6 weeks old, and the one I ate was a few weeks old – and dehydrated.

Just to see if it made any difference, I got brave and cooked up fresh sweet potato for both Zac and myself. After eating a pretty good sized portion of freshly cooked, fresh sweet potato…I felt FINE. No symptoms at all.

So apparently, fresh sweet potatos are good for both of us, and old dehydrated ones are not.

Can I just say that the loss of dehydration as a source of food preserving for some foods is painful for me? I love dehydrating! Boo hoo.

And after we switched to fresh sweet potatos, Zac stopped having such sleep disturbances and immediately began eating more sweet potato.

As with any ‘new’ food, he also got more energetic, babbled more, engaged more, just did everything more.

So, whew! I’m glad those two veggies are still a part of his diet.

Oh, and you might be wondering about cauliflower, since it wasn’t officially moved to the list of “foods we must re-trial after the stomach bug“. Well, it wasn’t a questionable food, but he flat refused to eat ANY cauliflower after the stomach bug. Since he had gone so long without eating it, I wanted to not feed anything else suspect or new during the first few days we tried to get him to eat it again.

He ate it this time! I guess his appetite was just really thrown off right after the stomach bug. Poor little guy.

Since he ate it for two days with no problems, we’re moving on.

Moving on to what, though?

We had intended to re-trial pork and apricot in our post-stomach bug world, but a couple of recent developments and thoughts are changing that plan.

Pork…we love pork! Unfortunately, pork has always given Zac enough questionable symptoms (thanks to histamine) that I try to avoid feeding it to him when we’re doing a food trial. I don’t want to be confused and suspect a new food when it’s actually the pork wigging him out.

Consequently, even though pork is safe for him, he hasn’t really been able to eat much of it this year. Which sucks.

Darrel pointed out that if we intend to pick up where we left off and power through food trials (not really power through; just go from one to the next without breaks), then there really won’t BE a lot of opportunity for Zac to eat pork…so why bother re-trialing it right now?

Why not wait until we’ve got enough safe foods that our circumstances change…like I can begin working a little bit more and slowing down the speed of our food trials, so he’ll have a chance to have some “down time” between trials where he can eat pork?

I thought that was an excellent point.

So we’re holding off on pork for now.

We’re also holding off on apricot.

Not because of anything wrong with apricot, but because Zac, insatiable little chicken eater that he is, has eaten ALL of the chickens my parents butchered this summer! Seriously! My parents did eat chicken in the beginning, but when they realized how quickly Zac was eating their chickens, they stopped eating it to save it for him.

I also didn’t eat very much chicken (mostly leftovers from Zac’s dinners), which means Zac has single-handedly plowed through almost two dozen chickens since August.


So it seems prudent for us to get another protein for him to help alleviate some of the demand for chicken.

Which means we’re going to proceed with a salmon trial starting tomorrow.

With salmon under his belt, we can trial beef. With salmon, beef and chicken, Zac won’t be straining any particular meat source to its breaking point!

That seems like a lot of meats, and it is. While I’d love to get more veggies into his system, veggies and fruits have been very tricky for us so far.

With our particular food issues (FructMal and Salicylate Sensitivity especially) veggies and fruits may be FPIES safe for Zac, but cause other problems. I’ve already seen this play out with Jed and myself. So I’ve been trying to learn about the short list of veggies and fruits that are low in ALL of our food issues, all of which also happen to be fruits and veggies I’ve never used – and in some cases, never even heard of before! (Bok choy and Kohlrabi pop into my head.)

So I want to feed him those veggies in a trial, but I need to first learn how to prepare them, not to mention where to FIND them.

These meat trials will buy us some time for that to happen.

Plus, we’ll resume the oats trial sometime this year.

With any luck, Zac is back on track after the stomach bug from hell! (It only took two months, but really, who’s counting? Oh, right…I am.)

Let’s hope his previous food pass streak picks up tomorrow where it left off in September!

Oh, and we found a lady who sells goat milk year round! She’s 2.5 hours away from us, but at least we can make it til spring now. Yay!!

How was your weekend?

What Normal Moms Take For Granted

What Normal Moms Take For Granted

It’s Thursday. I don’t know if anyone has realized that ever since the summer ended, I’m at a loss for what to write about on Thursdays. Thursday meant another edition of the “Brown Thumb Gardener” series; now that summer has ended and I’m not doing any gardening, I’m sort of lost.

Anyone have any great ideas for a new series I could write? Or just some topic ideas that I haven’t thought of or covered yet? I’d appreciate a little nudge to help me fill in the Thursday blank!

Back to today. So, like I said, I was drawing a blank…until I read a simple little comment on the FPIES message boards.

A mom there wanted to know if anyone knew of a safe-to-use bubble bath for her 2 year old. Her 2 year old who has never experienced a bubble bath. 

I didn’t even read the answers. The question alone was enough to send my brain reeling.

Bubble bath, y’all! Bubble bath!  It should NOT be this complicated to let our kids enjoy something as simple as a fun bubble bath.

It got me thinking, though, about all the things that “normal” (non-FPIES/food allergy & intolerance) Moms take for granted.

Here’s a fictional account of how a Normal Mom and a Food Issue Mom might approach their seemingly identical days very differently:


Normal Mom wakes up, gets her kids up, and makes breakfast. She throws some mainstream cereal in a bowl, pours some 2% store bought milk over it, and serves it up to the kiddos. If she’s feeling inspired, she slices some bananas or tosses some strawberries on the cereal.

Food Issue Mom wakes up, gets her kids up, and makes breakfast. If she’s lucky, her kiddo can tolerate some form of cereal, but it certainly won’t be anything she can buy at a typical grocery store. Her kiddo gets the kind of cereal most adults call “goat food”; very whole grain-y, no additives, no sweeteners, very healthy but very boring. The fruit tossed on top is specially sourced, bought organic and from a farmer at the farmer’s market that she knows. The milk is probably raw, fresh, whole milk from a local farmer, as well, and has a good shot of being something other than cow (goat, sheep, camel) OR is an alternative milk like almond, hemp, cashew or quinoa…and she may have even had to make it herself from scratch to avoid additives.

Odds are, though, that Food Issue Mom has to cook something for breakfast.


Normal Mom cleans up from breakfast, gets the kids dressed, and makes them wash their faces and brush their teeth. Her kiddos insist on using a special Thomas or Frozen toothbrush, and of course, they won’t brush their teeth unless they get a hefty squeeze of the “child-safe”, candy-flavored toothpaste on the brush. She doesn’t care. It gets the job done!

Food Issue Mom cleans up from breakfast, gets the kids dressed, and makes them wash their faces and brush their teeth. Her kiddos insist on using a special Thomas or Frozen toothbrush, but they can’t use the flavored toothpastes. Food Issue families will use either a homemade toothpaste, an Earthpaste non-fluoridated, non-flavored toothpaste, or just plain water. Food Issue Mom has watched her kid have a reaction to the stuff in the “child-safe” toothpaste, so it’s no longer allowed in the house.


Normal Mom loads the kids up in the car and drives them to either a daycare center, a preschool, or a regular school (regular school could be charter, private, or public). She endures the drop-off debacle, kisses the kids good-bye, and drives off thinking about heading through the drive-thru at Starbucks on the way to work.

Food Issue Mom may load up the kids in the car and drive them to daycare, preschool, or regular school…but odds are that if she does, the location was specially selected for their respect to food allergies – and she probably has to park and go inside to meet with a teacher or administrator about yet another detail of her child’s 504 plan (necessitating using sick hours, if she works, due to being late for work…again). Or maybe she just has to go in to provide the teacher with a safe snack for her kiddo to enjoy at the 498th food-centered celebration her kiddo’s class has enjoyed since school started in September.

But Food Issue Mom may also avoid that whole mess by starting the school day at home because her family has made the financial sacrifice to have her stay home with the kids (at least until they’re older) and homeschool.


Normal Mom packed a healthy lunch and snacks for her kiddo before they left the house for the day. There was a nice sunbutter and jelly sandwich (nut-free school, you know) on some wheat bread from the grocery store, some packaged cheese sticks, a juice box, some pre-packaged apple slices, and a few contraband mini-candy bars leftover from Halloween. Overall, not bad; not something she spent a whole lot of time on.

Food Issue Mom packed a healthy lunch and snacks for her kiddo before they left the house for the day, too. Sandwiches don’t travel well for her kiddo, because gluten-free bread is very fragile. So on days when she sends a sandwich, she makes it the night before and freezes it in the baggie. By lunchtime, it’s mostly thawed, but it’s not as good as fresh. So sometimes she sends a thermos with a safe, homemade soup, and sometimes she has to send cooked, shredded chicken, veggies, and organic apples scrubbed to death, peeled, sliced, and soaked in water with some fresh lemon juice. No juice boxes are safe for her kiddo, so her child gets a bottle of water. Overall, not bad; something she DEFINITELY spent a lot of time on!


Normal Mom speeds through the grocery store, checking items off her list. She sees a new snack that looks pretty good; a quick glance over the label shows a reasonable sugar level and a little bit of fiber so she tosses it in the basket. Hopefully her kids will like it.

Food Issue Mom plods through the grocery store, checking items off her list. Even though she’s buying the same things as always, she still has to read every ingredient on every item because manufacturers change products without warning. She’s watched her kid get sick from her carelessness once before, and vowed it would never happen again. She sees a new snack that looks pretty good; a quick glance over the label shows that it MIGHT be safe…but this is a new manufacturer that she’s never called before so cross-contact could still be an issue. She snaps a picture of the snack with her phone and posts it on her allergy message boards asking if anyone else is familiar with this manufacturer, and hopes she gets a positive response before she’s done grocery shopping. While she finishes, the snack goes back on the shelf. Since she didn’t get a positive answer from her post, she makes a reminder on her phone to call the manufacturer the next day and ask about their practices.


Normal Mom gets off work, picks up the kids from their respective after-school care, and heads home, thinking about what to do for dinner that night. In the end, she thinks “Forget this! I’m tired. It’s a pizza delivery night!” and that is that. The biggest issue of the mealtime is whether to get black olives on their order. The family eats their pizza and spends a couple hours together before the bedtime routine starts.

Food Issue Mom was either home all day and began cooking dinner at 3:00 p.m., or gets off work, picks up the kids, and heads home, panicking about dinner. In the end, she makes safe food for the kids to eat as soon as she gets home, which takes about 45 minutes of hard cooking (and that’s with using frozen, pre-prepped ingredients), but doesn’t manage to feed the adults in the household until 20 minutes before the kids bedtime. All told, she cooks at least two full meals that night: one for the food issue kiddo, and one for the rest of the family. Unless, of course, she has more than one food issue person in the house. Then she cooks more. She doesn’t get to spend any time with her kiddos unless they decide to come hang out in the kitchen with her, because all that cooking takes time – and requires a whole lot of clean-up, too.


Normal Mom battles with the kids to get them to take a bath, as usual. To entice them to climb in, she promises a bubble bath. The kids are happy! They dive into the tub to watch the bubbles from the random pink bottle Mom grabbed at Walmart grow around them. One kiddo accidentally swallows some bubble-filled water; Mom just shakes her head and tells them not to do that again, running the water momentarily to let the gagging kiddo rinse their mouth out.

Food Issue Mom battles with the kids to get them to take a bath, as usual. Her best incentive to bribe coax the kids into cooperation is the promise that the kids can take their Legos into the bath with them. She’s too scared to let bubble bath into the house; once, her kiddo swallowed some regular bath water with some name-brand baby shampoo and was sick for days. Since then, she spends every bath time constantly reminding the kids “don’t swallow the water!” and uses special soaps that don’t have her kiddos allergens in them.

I know I’m missing things, and I know I’m completely generalizing both Normal Moms and Food Issue Moms…lots of Moms don’t do things at all like this!

But it’s fictional. A little generalization works.

I still think the point is made, though.

Normal Moms take EVERYTHING for granted, which is as it should be! Living with food issues isn’t fun, and shouldn’t be normal. 

It should be okay to not  question every item your child touches, tastes, or even looks at. It should be okay to not  worry about every possible interaction with a new food or product your child may have.

Normal Moms (usually) aren’t being mean to Food Issue Moms; they’re just doing what they should be doing…and have no idea how difficult it is for Food Issue Moms who MUST question every.single.thing their child comes in contact with.

It’s great that Normal Moms can take so much for granted, but I’d like to challenge them to spend one single day looking around their house, paying attention to what their child eats and what products their child uses, and imagine what it would be like to have to question the safety of every single one of those items.

Nothing is automatically safe. Not your kiddos:

  • milk
  • cereal
  • fruit
  • vitamins
  • children’s tylenol
  • bottled water
  • juice boxes
  • toothpaste
  • dental floss
  • mouthwash
  • bath soap
  • laundry soap
  • bread
  • cold cuts
  • toys

Imagine being concerned (ranging from low-grade fretting to outright terror) all day long that someone outside of the home will ignore your hard-earned knowledge and feed your child something they shouldn’t have.

It stinks, doesn’t it? We Food Issue Mama’s are totally jealous of your ability to NOT think about all these things.

Normal Mama’s, it’s right and good that you should take all these things for granted. All we Food Issue Mama’s hope for is that, every once in a while, you recognize that you CAN.

What’d I miss? What other things do Normal Moms take for granted?

Tilapia-Crab Bake

Tilapia Crab Bake

The last few months I’ve been in a bit of “dinner burnout”. Since returning to work, the huge amounts of energy required to keep my family fed have seemed almost too much at times.

I’ve resorted to cooking the same very boring dinners over and over…and over.

A few nights ago I got frustrated with myself. I know Zac and I have to eat boring food, but there’s no reason Darrel and Jed should have to!

Out came my old recipe book…the one that has all my “safe” recipes for Jed (before we knew about FructMal, sals, and histamine).

After knocking the dust off the cover, I flipped through hoping for inspiration.

I found it.

This little goodie comes from my Dad, who is actually a bit of a foodie. Made as Dad recommends, it’s absolutely delicious!

I thought I could make it fit our current dietary restrictions and still be delicious.

It was.

My intention was just to make something yummy and different for my men; I didn’t think to take pictures until it was ready to go in the oven, when it suddenly dawned on me that this recipe needed sharing!

So sorry, but no step by step photos this time. I’m sure the instructions will be easy to follow – this is really very simple!

Here’s what you do:

Thaw some tilapia fillets. Depending on the size, you may need only one per person or two.

Grab some crab meat. The best is the jumbo lump stuff in the fresh seafood section of the grocery store, but the shredded canned stuff will do in a pinch.

Dump the crab meat into a bowl. To that add your butter or oil, salt, pepper, Old Bay, Parsley, and bread crumbs.

Bread crumbs are tricky if you’re avoiding wheat, as we are. I didn’t actually have anything on hand to use the night I made this, and the finished product was sad for the loss. Next time, I will make sure to have some quinoa crackers ground up and ready to use as bread crumbs!

If you aren’t avoiding wheat, Panko bread crumbs are the way to go for this one!

Use a little butter or oil to grease a small, individual sized baking dish.

Line the dish with the tilapia fillets.

Scoop the crab mixture into the tilapia-lined dishes.

This is what it will look like at that point:

Ready to Bake

Then take some more bread crumbs, parsley and Old Bay and sprinkle on top. As I said, I didn’t have any bread crumbs this night, so don’t worry when you make it – yours will look better!

Bake the dishes uncovered for 20-25 minutes.

Remove them from the oven and let cool a bit before serving.

Get ready for you mouth to sigh in happiness when you take a bite:

Delicious Tilapia and Crab


Just a Bite of Tilapia and Crab CradleRockingMama.comYou can serve this with almost any side dish you would like. It’s so good, you probably won’t even notice anything else on your plate!

Tilapia-Crab Bake
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
This delicious dish can be made dairy-free, and is a fantastic addition to "seafood night" in your home!
Recipe type: dinner
Cuisine: seafood
Serves: 4
  • 4-8 Tilapia fillets (1-2 fillets per dish)
  • 3-4 cans of jumbo lump crab meat
  • 4 T. softened butter (or Earth Balance, or Olive Oil)
  • ⅔ c. safe bread crumbs, plus more for sprinkling on top
  • 2-3 T. Old Bay seasoning (to taste)
  • 1½ T. dried parsley flakes
  • salt
  • pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Use some butter or oil to grease 4 individual oven-safe dishes.
  3. Line the individual dishes with Tilapia fillets. Use 1 or 2 fillets as needed to cover the bottom and the sides.
  4. Mix the crab meat, butter (or oil), bread crumbs, Old Bay, Parsley, salt and pepper in a bowl.
  5. Scoop the crab mixture in to the Tilapia-lined dishes.
  6. Bake uncovered for 20-25 minutes.
  7. Let cool slightly before serving.
  8. Enjoy a delicious dinner!

Desperately Seeking Goat Milk

Desperately Seeking Goat Milk

I love earrings. Unfortunately, earrings don’t love me.

For the entire decade-plus I had pierced ears, I struggled to find any earring that would not make my ears become so infected they oozed.

Nothing worked. Nickel-free, pure gold, allergy friendly…didn’t matter if the earrings were expensive or cheap. They all infected my ears.

So I let my piercings close up. Clip on earrings weren’t as uniformly ugly as they had been, so I decided to just wear clip on earrings for the rest of my life.

You know what? Clip on earrings PINCH.


I could never wear a pair for longer than a couple hours before I wimped out and took them off.

Then I discovered Napier. Their earrings had screw-back clip ons that could be screwed tighter or looser as the day wore on, and I could wear them all day with no complaints.

For a girl who loves earrings but couldn’t wear any before, this was awesome!

You know the punchline, right? Napier earrings were hard to find. Living in Houston and frequently in New York on business, I searched every store I could find for Napier screw-back clip on earrings and often came up empty.

When I did stumble on a store that carried them, I bought every pair I even remotely liked (sometimes duplicate pairs), as I knew this was a rare find.

All these years, I thought my hunt for earrings was a massive feat of searching…but that search can’t even begin  to hold a candle to the search we are on right now!

Goat milk.

We’re desperate.

Our goat milk experience hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing from the beginning.

Our first goat milk lady was almost a two hour drive one way away from us, and we barely got enough milk to last between our biweekly visits.

Then she dried up her goats early for personal reasons, and we scrambled to find a new goat milk supplier.

Fortunately, we found two new providers!

One has Nigerian Dwarf goats, and we get 5 quarts of milk from her every two weeks.

The other lives just down the road from us, and we get 2 gallons a week from her.

We love her! She is so sweet and her kids and mine get along famously. It’s a match made in goat milk heaven.

When our first goat milk lady stopped selling, that was the first I’d heard that goat milk isn’t typically provided year round. Immediately, I instituted a “freeze and stash” plan for our new supplies of goat milk. Every chance I got, I froze half gallons of milk to help get us through the winter months.

About a month ago, our larger supplier of milk had a scare: one of her goats had a seizure and nearly died.

Since she wasn’t sure, at the time, whether it was an infection or a vitamin deficiency, she told me to stop drinking her milk and that she wouldn’t sell any more milk until test results came back.

For a couple weeks, we were using our stash.

Eventually her goats got a clean bill of health, and we began buying from her again.

But our stash took a bit of a hit during that time. 

I just got word from her that her last sell date is December 6th. Only 4 more weeks of milk coming from our biggest provider of milk!

She won’t resume sales until mid-April, at the earliest. 

That’s a long time to go without goat milk when you’re wholly dependent on it.

Fortunately, our other goat milk lady had a goat that kidded late in the year; we’ll be able to continue getting some  goat milk from her through at least February.

Still, even if we maintain the 5 quarts every two week we’re currently at, that won’t be enough.

We did some math.

Based on the current supply of goat milk stashed in my freezer, plus the gallons I’ll be able to buy between now and Dec. 6th, plus the milk I’ll continue to get from our other goat milk lady, the numbers indicate we can allow the boys to have 2.5 cups of goat milk per day between now and the April resumption of sales.

2.5 cups per day. 

For two boys.

Two boys who can drink a half gallon of milk some days. 

Y’all, this isn’t going to work!

I’ve left a message with someone we just found who sells goat milk, but I haven’t heard back from them yet.

My mom is calling everyone she knows to see if they have any leads.

Now I’m putting it out here and on Facebook: anyone know of any goat milk providers who can sell me some milk – ANY quantity! – in Northwest Arkansas? At this point, I’m okay with Southern Missouri, Central Arkansas, and even Eastern Oklahoma!

We must get goat milk. I’m mad at myself for not knowing earlier that goats are typically dried up. I’m mad at myself that I didn’t realize how long we would have to go between when the goats are dried up and when they begin milking again. I’m mad at myself that I didn’t stockpile more milk this summer.

But being mad at myself doesn’t solve the immediate problem: without goat milk, I can’t go to work. 

Without me working, we will go bankrupt. 

I’m not kidding when I say this is vital. 

If we can’t find enough goat milk, we will be forced to do a cow milk trial, which I’m really scared to do. But Zac has to have SOMETHING for when I’m at work!

The good news is that those earring searches prove I am nothing if not persistent. No stone will be left unturned.

Anybody have any stones out there I can search under? Please? 

Thanks for your help! Leave a comment or email me if you’ve got any leads. I really appreciate it!

And yes, I’ve learned my lesson. Next year I’ll buy twice as much goat milk as we use to stash away. We just need to survive until then. 

What We Learned From Our Date Night

What We Learned From Our Date Night

As prayed for, last week was much better than the week before.

Both kids stayed safely on their respective diets, and reactions faded slowly away.

I worked for much of the time, which was exhausting (as usual), but everything plodded along quite well while I was gone. When I returned home, the kids were happy to see me and we were back in our holding pattern…wait for baseline, wait for some gut rest, resume trials.

Honestly, I struggled trying to think of what to share today. Monday is usually the day I give an update on the kids, and, frankly, there wasn’t a whole lot that happened last week.

Then I realized that something DID happen last week: Darrel and I had a date night.

Ever since we put such effort into our marriage, we’ve attempted to keep it going strong.

We were failing.

The stomach bug, the sicknesses, the different reactions, the heavy work schedule on my part to try and make up some lost pay…it all added up to us neglecting each other – again.

Friday afternoon we’d planned to begin the sweet potato re-trial, but we had some errands to run first.

As we left the house, we remembered that we had forgotten Zac’s amber necklace at my parents when we picked the kids up after I’d gotten home from work. When I called my parents to see if we could swing by and get it, the thought popped in to my head that maybe, just maybe, they’d be willing to play babysitter for the night.

In short order, we’d arranged last minute child care and designated Friday night date night.

It’s the first time we’ve put our marriage purposefully ahead of anything the kids need in over two years. (Yes, all we did was delay the start of a food trial by a single day, but this is HUGE for us!)

What did we do on our date night?

We came home. Cooked dinner together. Ate together. Talked. Watched a couple episodes of a TV show we’re woefully behind on (thank you, Netflix!). Relaxed. Got a good nights sleep.

Wild stuff, I tell ya!

But it was SO good for us. Without the pressure of having to plan an evening out (which is logistically challenging with my TED) and without the kids around interrupting, we managed to have the sort of in-depth conversation we used to have on a daily basis.

Once upon a time, Darrel and I TALKED. About everything and anything. Constantly.

We met online, after all; our first month of interacting was strictly by email and phone. It wasn’t uncommon for us to – no exaggeration – spend 8-10 hours per day on the phone.

We love talking to each other. It’s kind of our “thing”.

And we’ve had limited opportunities to do much of that over the last four and a half years, particularly since FPIES came in to our lives.

I mean, we talk, sure. But it mostly involves logistics, anecdotes about the kids, discussing food trials, scheduling issues, to-do lists, and other highly un-romantic and impersonal things.

When Darrel and I get a chance to actually communicate like we are naturally prone to do, we easily share thoughts, feelings, analysis, random anecdotes that don’t involve the kids, and jokes. It’s FUN to talk with my husband. FUN.

We don’t have a lot of fun any more, generally speaking.

For the reconnection with my husband, for the fun we had, for the ability to sleep a good nights sleep, for the reminder that – doggone it – my husband is a really high quality human being and I’m blessed to be married to him, the date night was necessary and valuable.

But something else happened that night, too.

For the first time in over two years, Darrel and I took the time to sit and just…be.

We purposefully didn’t do anything productive. We avoiding anything that took effort. We focused on us. Us as a couple, and us as individuals.

We breathed.

And in that breathing, in that conversation, we realized that our food issues are a little bigger than we thought. (Not that they aren’t large enough already, you know.)

I’ve already commented several times that I’m so focused on the kids health that I hardly register my own. Even with my practice and habit at noting food ingestion and behavior and connecting the two, I don’t often do it for myself  – unless it’s so obvious it hits me upside the head.

Something has been going on with me for a long while this year, though, that was incredibly subtle. So subtle I hadn’t really noticed it.

Until Darrel and I took the time to breathe, and talk.

And we realized that I probably have histamine intolerance (HIT), too.

We realized that Darrel possibly has some of these intolerance issues, as well (FructMal, Salicylate Sensitivity, or HIT). That’s a little tougher to figure out, since he hasn’t eaten the completely Real Food elimination diets the boys and I have been eating for two years. Darrel still grabs nasty fast food at lunch, so his system isn’t as cleaned out as ours.

The symptoms? Well, for me there are three things, really. My emotional state has been a LOT more…dramatic…since Spring. Secondly, I’ve been a lot more itchy this year. The third is a little more complicated to explain.

My entire life I suffered greatly from sinus/allergy problems. At one point I had so many sinus infections in one year the ENT was at a loss to explain it and offered to do exploratory surgery to see if there was something going on in my head that didn’t show up on the many tests and procedures I’d had done with her.

Once I started this TED for Zac? NO sinus/allergy problems. Zero. Nada. Zilch. I’ve been perfect for the first time in my life.

Until this spring.

What happened this spring? We started eating eggs. And pork. And I returned to work.

Eggs and pork are wonky histamine foods, and traveling between different cities all the time certainly isn’t easy on a body. When I’m at work, I rely heavily on dehydrated foods due to the fact that I have to carry everything I eat with me when I’m gone. Dehydrating meat takes the histamine level of the meat through the roof!

The summer before, when I returned to work for three months, I didn’t have any sinus issues pop up. This year, I’ve had almost constant sinus pressure. Constant nasal drainage. Lots of sneezing. Watery, itchy eyes. Ear pressure issues.

It isn’t as bad as I used to be, but it isn’t as good as I was the first year and a half I was on the TED.

I’d been blaming all of this sinus stuff on season changes, on traveling for work, on airborne allergens (even though I’ve tested negative to all allergens for the last 5 years).

And I’ve been blaming the emotional stuff on the stress of returning to work, and the itchiness on weather changes.

After taking the time to talk through mine and Darrel’s general well-being, though, this struck us both as odd.

Now it seems logical to think that, while traveling all over the country isn’t helpful, the addition of these increased histamine foods is stressing my body and making me sick-ish. And histamine is known for causing behavioral problems in children; why wouldn’t it cause emotional problems for adults who are sensitive, too?

Unfortunately, there isn’t much I can do about it at the moment.

I have to stay on the diet for Zac, and neither of us can afford to NOT eat a food that is FPIES safe if it doesn’t make us blatantly, viciously sick (like the sweet potatos did for me) right away. This subtle histamine thing (for me) is something I just have to tolerate for now.

But it’s good data to know.

One day, when Zac’s diet is so enormous we can afford to be choosy, I can eliminate histamine foods to make myself feel better.

Until then, I’ll try to limit the histamine foods I consume as much as my nutritional needs will allow, and Darrel and I will just ride whatever emotional roller coaster comes our way. I’ll keep doing saline nose rinses and trying to get as much rest as I can.

Oh, and we’ll keep trying to get date nights. They’re important. If you’re in a good marriage, that person is your best sounding board; the person most likely to have noticed things about you that you may not have even noticed yourself.

Sharing your thoughts can not only bring you closer together and strengthen your marriage, but help you discover sneaky health issues that lurk and linger.

It’s so good to be a team again.

Oh, and we did re-start the sweet potato trial this weekend on Zac. So far, so good. We had a bit of a rough night with sleep, but nothing else concerning. Fingers crossed!


Have you had any sneaky food issues take you by surprise? How did you figure them out?

Sort of Stroganoff

Sort of Stroganoff

Who doesn’t love a hearty dish like Beef Stroganoff on a cold fall or winter day?

I know I do!

Last winter I just had to do without; we didn’t have enough safe foods in mine or Zac’s diet to make such a delicious dinner.

But this year, well, I have quite a few more ingredients to play with!

This creation wasn’t specifically meant to mimic a stroganoff. It was just a straight up “play with my food and see what happens” dinner for us one night.

Once I served it, Darrel asked what it was. Since I didn’t have a name for it, I just described the ingredients and how I’d used them.

He nodded and said “so sort of a beef stroganoff for you and a chicken alfredo for Zac”.

I hadn’t considered that. Well, close enough!

These aren’t exact replicas of either dish. There are certain key elements missing; no sour cream in the stroganoff and no garlic or onion in the alfredo.

In fact, this might better be called “meat in a gravy over noodles”…but that doesn’t really sound like a “Pinterest worthy title”, now does it?

Aside from the noodle making, this is one of the absolute quickest dinners I can make these days…and it’s delicious and very filling.

Give it a try, if, for some reason, you’re feeling a little strapped for time one night.

Start with your noodles. Either make a batch of quinoa pasta noodles, or grab a box of safe noodles from your pantry. Start a pot of water boiling on the stove; you want the noodles ready slightly before the meat and sauce, if possible.

Quinoa Noodles

Then grab your meat of choice. I’ve been using sirloin sliced thin for me, and for Zac I’ve been using pre-cooked, pre-picked and shredded chicken. For this recipe, the meat needs to be cooked before you begin, so if it needs it, cook it.

If you’re using dried pasta noodles, dump them in the water to cook when you start cooking the meat.

If you’re using fresh pasta noodles, dump them in the water to cook when the meat finishes cooking.

Once the meat is cooked, add butter (or oil) and quinoa flour and stir together. Quickly add half the milk and whisk quickly.

Beef in gravy

Beef in gravy

At this point, you’re making a basic gravy. It is hard to tell someone how to do this; so much depends on texture and consistency. Basically, you want a thick but smooth sauce; add more milk or flour as needed to create the consistency you want, whisking all the time.

Chicken in gravy

Chicken in gravy

Your actual quinoa flour and milk measurements may vary FAR from what I write in the recipe. Use those as a good starting point and remember to keep the end product in mind when you’re making the sauce.

Now simply strain the noodles, dump them in a bowl, and scoop some of your delicious meat-in-gravy over the top! Season with salt and pepper and enjoy a filling, simple, fast, hearty winter meal.

Zac's Chicken in Gravy

Zac’s Chicken in Gravy

You’ll notice that Zac’s Chicken version is a lot more creamy white looking than my beef version:

My Beef in Gravy

That’s because the gravy takes on the “leavings” in the pan from cooking the meat, and not only is beef darker than chicken, but the chicken we’re using is pre-cooked. If you’d like a more white and less brown sauce for your beef version, cook the meat and either clean the pan or get a new pan to make the gravy.

Whichever way, taking a bite will make your mouth very happy!

Yummy Bite

Sort of Stroganoff - Egg and Fructose Free
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
This delicious variation on a beef stroganoff calls for no sour cream, no egg noodles, and no onion. Adjust ingredients as needed.
Recipe type: dinner
Serves: 1 serving
  • 4-6 ounces beef (sirloin sliced, or stew meat) (or chicken for variation)
  • 2 T. butter
  • 1 C. milk
  • ¼ c. quinoa flour
  • Sea salt (to taste)
  • one serving of quinoa pasta noodles
  1. Bring a pot of water to boil for the noodles.
  2. Meanwhile, heat the butter in a skillet.
  3. Add the meat and cook until browned.
  4. While the meat is browning, dump the noodles in the pot of hot water to cook.
  5. When the meat is fully browned, add the quinoa flour to the skillet.
  6. Quickly add the milk and whisk. Add sea salt while whisking. Depending on consistency, you may need to add more milk to keep the sauce smooth and not too thick.
  7. Remove the skillet from heat.
  8. Drain the noodles and plate.
  9. Scoop the beef mixture over the noodles.
  10. Enjoy your delicious dinner!

Why Kids Are Prescribed Drugs

Why Kids Are Prescribed Drugs

 My son Jed is four and a half years old. He’s bright, funny, charming, sweet, helpful, brave, and all around a very cool kid. 

He also has Fructose Malabsorption and Salicylate Sensitivity (among other food issues). 

Two Saturdays ago I made all sorts of yummy treats for him to take to a Halloween party. When I made them, I suspected he might have at least a mild reaction to some of the ingredients.

He’s already had a reaction that had me questioning cocoa powder and/or maple syrup. We aren’t sure which of the two the likely culprit is, or if it might, in fact, be both of them. I hoped to suss out the truth based on any reactions he may show to the fruit jellies, chocolate covered pecans, and cupcakes I made him.

Besides, we feed him well every day and this was a special occasion. When you have so many food issues, it’s really hard to find anything completely  safe that counts as a “treat”. 

So I went ahead, even with my suspicions.

One thing I forgot was that I would be leaving for work the next day. So Jed would be in the loving care of my parents.


I really didn’t intend to send them the Tasmanian Devil! I just didn’t think it through all the way.

The whole time Jed was with Grandma and PopPop, he was horrible.

He was belligerent, angry, prone to hysterical crying, argumentative, uncooperative, and aggressive to the point of almost  being violent.

My parents were so tired of fighting with him that they didn’t even think about the consequences of feeding him the oranges he pitched a fit to eat. But Fruit=Fructose; those oranges only compounded the behavior problems brought on by his food.

When I got home, I picked up the kids. The next two days the kids and I were home alone, and I was pushed to the limits of my endurance, patience, and tolerance.

Of course I was careful to not feed him ANYTHING remotely suspicious for either salicylates or fructose, so he was “coming down” from his reaction over those two days.

During that time it seemed like I had two personalities to deal with.

Typical, normal Jed was sweet, kind, loving, thoughtful, attentive, respectful, and reasonable. Five minutes later, with no (or almost no) provocation, wretched child showed up.

Wretched child would suddenly scream at me or his brother, hit us, snatch toys, lay on the floor while kicking and crying, refuse to do ANYTHING I asked of him (even things like “Jed, would you like some cereal?” brought about angry, put-upon shouts and anger), and generally behave like a child possessed.

Ten minutes later, though, and Typical Jed was back, giving me hugs, saying he was sorry, hugging his brother and apologizing to him, racing to do the tiniest task I presented him with a smile, and all around being a sweetheart.

After two days of this, I commented to my husband, Darrel, that I now completely understood why so many children are prescribed behavioral drugs in this country. 

If we didn’t know about his food issues and how they affect his behavior, I would be absolutely beside myself with worry. 

I wouldn’t know why Jed swung on one massive mood swing after another.

I wouldn’t know why my sweet, amazing boy suddenly turns into the Incredible Hulk at a moment’s notice.

I would think I was a horrible mother.

Or worse, I would think there was something psychologically wrong with my son. 

For a moment I imagined what we would do about Jed’s behavior if we didn’t understand that food causes him to behave this way, and I realized that, in our concern, we would almost certainly have put him on medication by this point.

The funny-interesting part of this is the fact that I am still so new to my own diagnoses that I didn’t recognize, at first, that this is EXACTLY what I went through as a teen.

I know firsthand exactly how this plays out for people unaware of food reactions because I WAS that child. Let me tell you how this happens:

There’s a child who is bright, funny, and generally likeable, but who has zero self-control, is prone to tantrums, highly aggressive, occasionally violent, and whose moods swing on a dime.

The parents adore their child and are worried about this behavior. Naturally, they go to their doctor with their concerns.

If the doctor is also unaware of food reactions, they suggest an evaluation by a child psychologist, which the concerned parents immediately arrange.

If the child psychologist is also unaware of food reactions, they recommend counseling sessions and an evaluation by a psychiatrist to determine which medications will most help the child, which the parents arrange.

This isn’t a fabrication. I lived this experience as a teenager, being prescribed drugs that I didn’t need for conditions I didn’t have; only learning now, in my late ’30’s, that I actually have food intolerances that cause major physiological reactions and greatly influence my emotions. (Read about my discoveries here and here.)

The concept that FOOD IS POWERFUL and can influence not just our bodies, but our minds, is so little known in mainstream America that it is incredibly unlikely that anyone would recommend keeping a food journal and evaluating the child’s diet to see if that could be the cause of the erratic behavior. 

So, just as I experienced, these susceptible children would continue to be “drugged” by their food, while also being drugged by their doctors.

The behavior would likely improve in some ways, as the prescription drugs would mask some things. However, it wouldn’t turn around completely due to the fact that they would still be eating foods that “drug” them.

The parents would go round and round, trying different drug combos, forking out huge sums of money for counseling sessions that *might* cause their sweet child to assume there is something “wrong” with them, and they’d never really come up with a good answer.

The side effects from prescription drugs are myriad and real, and they’d certainly deal with some of those along the way. (Lithium toxicity was one of my many fun medication side effects.)

In short, without realizing that their child’s food affects them this strongly, they would be entering one of the circles of Hell. 

And my heart aches for the children out there who are going through this. Amazing children. Bright. Filled with light and joy. Seriously sensitive to the foods they eat. Adored by their parents.

But not lucky enough to encounter someone to encourage those parents to Look At The Food first.

I know there are some children out there for whom the traditional process of psychotherapy and psychiatric drugs is absolutely necessary and extremely beneficial.

I’m just left questioning HOW many children in that world might – just might – benefit greatly from a serious evaluation of their diet.

How many of those children are sensitive to fructose, or salicylates, or amines, or gluten, or any number of completely natural parts of food that can send a susceptible child through the roof, and no one ever thinks to look at those options before prescribing them expensive, mind-altering drugs?

I don’t know the answer to that. I suspect it is a higher number than anyone would like to contemplate.

And that just makes me very sad for those children and their parents. 

For our part, we now know that Jed can’t tolerate cocoa (likely a salicylate issue) or as large a quantity of fruit as I provided in the jelly candies (fructose issue – small quantities are tolerable). And straight oranges are probably  okay if he limits to one per day, but certainly no more than that.

So we’ll put that data in our ever-increasing notebook of “how to feed Jed properly” and move on.

We’ll keep learning. The length of time that passes where we have Typical, Amazing, Wonderful Jed to enjoy and love will get longer with each new nugget of data.

And when he does react, I won’t question whether I’m a good Mother. I won’t question whether there is something “wrong” with my child.

Obviously, atrocious behavior will be corrected, but I’ll KNOW that he isn’t being willfully horrible…he was just inadvertently drugged by his food. It isn’t Jed; it’s Jed on “drugs”.

I remember what that feels like; It’s a terrible feeling, to be that “out of control kid”.

Just knowing this about my son means the compassion and patience I have (and will continue to have)  during a reaction is expanded exponentially.

I can only hope for the same gift for other Mama’s in similar shoes.

If you know someone with a child experiencing behavior problems and the parents are at a loss for an explanation, would you please send them this post, or at least encourage them to investigate the childs diet? They may still need psychiatric assistance, but it’s worth visiting a GI and nutritionist before – or in conjunction with – the psychiatrists. I hate the thought of children having to live through what I lived through during those confusing, dark years of my youth. Thank you!