Cauliflower-Egg Tortilla

This has become one of Zac’s favorite recipes, and I’m pretty fond of it, as well! I never would have guessed that two simple ingredients could yield something so tasty, but it does. These are really yummy! Now, I’ve made theses several times now, always referring to different recipes online … Continue reading

Juggling, Kickball & Goat Milk Trials

The concept of life being a juggling act is so well known it has become part of our vernacular. Why else would we say we “dropped the ball” on something? For the most part, I agree with the analogy. I do often feel like I have all my little “balls” … Continue reading

Zac’s FPIES Meatballs

I have a toddler who has lately been refusing to go to sleep at night. He also refuses to play happily in the living room during the time between when his brother goes to sleep and when he is finally ready to go to sleep. So I’ve been forced to … Continue reading