After the Egg Break

My poor little boys had a mildly  rough time last week. Because of the egg trial, I’ve been even more paranoid than normal about keeping the floors in my kitchen and dining room cleaned. If Zac gets a crumb, it’s not good…but if Jed gets a bit of egg, it’s … Continue reading

Zac’s FPIES Meatballs

I have a toddler who has lately been refusing to go to sleep at night. He also refuses to play happily in the living room during the time between when his brother goes to sleep and when he is finally ready to go to sleep. So I’ve been forced to … Continue reading

The Egg Trial Begins

Tuesday I picked up a dozen eggs from my parents. Yesterday morning I cooked the first egg that’s been cooked in our house in over a year. I was trying to make a custard-type egg dish for Zac, for a few reasons. For starters, it would be a relatively new … Continue reading