Practical Preserving: How to Dehydrate Eggs

Earlier this summer, my parents had a chicken crisis. Several of their laying hens disappeared; sadly, free-range chickens occasionally become predator snacks. Compounding the issue, one of their remaining hens became broody. Instead of laying her eggs and walking away, she decided she was ready to actually be a Mom. … Continue reading

Practical Preserving: How to Make Cucumber Chips

Since yesterdays recipe used some dehydrated cucumber, I figured I may as well share how to make your own dehydrated cucumber chips. Like the dehydrated basil, this is ridiculously simple. Grab some cucumbers and slice them fairly evenly. Some people like to toss their cucumbers with some oil and seasonings. … Continue reading

Practical Preserving: How to Can & Freeze Apricot Puree

There are lots of things you can do with apricots, but pretty much everything I’ve made for Zac so far has involved puréed apricot. Fortunately, that makes it really easy for me to preserve enough apricot to use all year! Puréed apricot is easy to store. Before I knew whether … Continue reading

Practical Preserving: How to Dehydrate Cauliflower

Freezing cauliflower is great, but if you either have limited freezer space or, like us, are trying to preserve an entire years worth of cauliflower in one fell swoop, you might just run out of room in the freezer for more cauliflower! That’s when it’s time to turn to my … Continue reading

Practical Preserving: How to Freeze Cauliflower

I was all set to share a tutorial on freezing cauliflower as a Frugal Friday post, when it dawned on me that it’s really not all that frugal an activity. Oh, it’s not terribly expensive, especially if you buy organic frozen produce, but it isn’t exactly going to save you … Continue reading