The Guilt Trip Cometh

There is, apparently, no end to the sacrifices I will make for my children.

I say this because I have eschewed any and all medications for the duration of this elimination diet, out of fear that something in those medications will cause problems for Mr. Happy.

Did I mention that I have an old whiplash injury and an old sprained back injury that occasionally pop up with a vengeance, causing headaches, stiff  everything and serious pain?

Taking Advil every 4 hours basically keeps the pain, stiffness, and headaches at bay so I can use stretching and hot/cold therapy to alleviate the cause without suffering too badly for the few days it lasts.

Right now, though, everything from the top of my head to my lower back is aching and hurting, and I am taking nothing.  The stretching and hot/cold therapy will eventually work, but I’m suffering through the time it takes to ease the muscle/ligament kink ups.

But have you read the ingredient list on a bottle of Advil lately?

Scary stuff, I tell you.  Can anyone even pronounce those words?

So, I’ll suffer through it.  The pain is just temporary anyway.

My kids better LOVE me for this, though.  (I sense a guilt trip coming in ten or fifteen years…don’t you?)

Anyone have any brilliant ideas on how to deal with muscle and ligament pain without drugs?

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4 Responses to The Guilt Trip Cometh

  1. Una says:

    Yoga and Pilates. Everyday. There a great DVDs and free online classes. Also if you insurance pays for it invest in a chiropractor. Also ask for massage gift certificates for birthday’s and such.

    • Carrie says:

      I love yoga! After a sprained back and a whiplash injury at work, though, I tried a yoga class and wound up frozen in a knot on the floor. I’ve been scared to do it ever since, especially alone, in case that happens again. It took two people to help coax my body back into a standing, vertical position. Eek!

      We have a chiropractor, but the co-pay is $40 per visit and that isn’t in our budget at the moment. As soon as we’re not so desperate, financially, I’ll go back to regular chiropractor and masseuse appointments, though! You’re right; they work miracles!

      And good idea on the gift certificates for massages! I hadn’t actually ever thought of that. Great timing, too, since my birthday is coming up. 😉

      Do you think pilates has the potential to knot me up like the yoga class did? I’ve never investigated pilates before.

  2. Amanda says:

    Have you tried doterra products? I am not a rep, but a friend of mine let me borrow some stuff when my 4 month old (at the time) was having breathing issues. They are AMAZING! I woke up today with the worst migraine I have had in a few years. I put some of their “past tense” oil on my temples and neck, and an hour later it’s gone for the most part! Back in college the only thing that took my migraines away was a prescription, which is a definite NO in breastfeeding. I wouldn’t even take it with my kids around anyway because it most definitely alters mental ability and makes me feel worse before better. Anyway, if the doterra oils and ingredients are in your list of “safe” things, I would HIGHLY recommend it! (They also make a cream for aches and pains, though I haven’t tried it yet). 4 months ago I began making my own soaps, detergents, and lotions to try and figure out why my kids were having so many skin issues. Now we know that our almost 6 month old has FPIES, and our 2 yr old may have it, less severe, as well. Our 4 yr old seems to have outgrown the issues she had as a baby, so we are hopeful she is in the clear for the most part. I’ve been reading your blog from the beginning since yesterday, and it’s comforting, though probably not any help to you, to know there is someone who has paved a path through this uncertain territory. I relate a lot to the things that you write, I’m a researcher and am always trying to be sure I’m doing the very best I can (at the time) for my kids. I also would do anything for them, especially if it means a better quality of life once we get this all figured out! God bless you and your family and stray strong! Its easy to see that you’re a very strong woman with a beautiful family that supports and journeys with you 110%!

    • Carrie says:

      Hi Amanda! I’m so happy to meet you! It’s wonderful to hear that our story has helped you.

      It sounds like you have your hands full with your kiddos; I’m glad you’re figuring things out. It’s scary sometimes, isn’t it?

      Thanks for the advice about the Doterra oils. I believe essential oils work miracles, and I’ve dabbled in EO’s for my family, but I was recently reminded that I need to learn a bit more before I use EO’s on myself. A friend pointed out that peppermint oil is helpful in drying up breastmilk production, and I’ve been using that in some of my homemade creams! Uh-oh! So I’m all for EO’s, in general, but right now I’m a tad hesitant to use any until I learn more about potential side effects. 🙂

      I’m so happy you’re here! Thanks for your wonderful words. 🙂

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