Schedule Schmedule

Sleeping whenever they needed to has wrecked our routine! But aren’t they cute?

We’re all better in the Casa now, except for one little sick-time hangover: our schedule is totally shot!

Don’t get me wrong; we were never terribly precise about our routine…but we did HAVE a routine.

The kids and I usually got up between 7:00-7:30 a.m., Mr. Happy would usually take a short nap in the morning about 10 or 11, both kiddos went down for a big nap about 1:00 p.m., they’d sleep for 1-3 hours, bedtime routine started around 7:30 p.m., kids down at 8:00 p.m.

If we slept in one day, or stayed up a little later, or if naps were a little off, no big deal.  But for the most part, this was our daily schedule.

I don’t know about you but when I’m sick, I tend to just sleep whenever my body decides it wants to.  My kids are apparently the same way.  The Geek and I have bounced back to our routine pretty quickly and easily, but the kiddos?  Not so much. 

In fact, yesterday was the 5th night in a row where both kiddos were still awake at 9:30 p.m.  One night, we couldn’t get them down until closer to 11:00 p.m.!

SO not cool.  

(Although, it IS kinda cool that they’re sleeping in until 8:30-9:00 a.m.  Mama’s not a morning person by nature, you see.)

Sadly, the Geek really needs to be in bed earlier than midnight, what with having a J-O-B that generally expects him to arrive at 8:00 a.m. and actually use the synapses of his brain while there.

So this has got to stop.  

But how?  Do I NOT let the kids nap one day and put them to bed earlier?  Do we get up early with the Geek one morning and try to play it that way?  Will I have to do BOTH: get up early and  forgo naps?  <whimper>

Sigh.  We’re going to try getting up this morning with the Geek.  I really hope it works to get the kids back into their routine.  They’re a LOT easier to deal with when they’re not so out of sorts.

And the Geek and I kinda like to sleep, too.

How do you get back into your groove after sickness?  

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