OK, This is Getting Ridiculous

I stepped on the scale at some point after the latest sickness had hit me.


One hundred and twenty-three freaking pounds.

That’s a FULL 67 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight.

It’s a sizeable drop of fifteen pounds in less than two days, as well.


If I keep getting sick, I’m going to waste away into nothingness.  I’d only regained part of the weight I lost from the stomach bug before I started up with Strep.

My body really shouldn’t lose weight like this.  It’s horrible.

Though, talk about First World Problems: I’m complaining about losing weight!

Actually, though…don’t people in Third World Countries die from being sick and starving to death?

Hmm.  Maybe not quite as First World as I thought…

Second World?

(What is the Second World, by the way?  Does anyone know?)

And yes, thank you, I AM still weird as hell from being sick.  My filter goes OFF and whatever I think comes spewing out.  I find it entertaining.  My mother, not so much.

What was I talking about?  Oh, yeah.  I can’t keep losing weight like this!  I’m actually starting to scare myself.

And it’s just NO FUN to go shopping when you have no idea if you’re going to be able to wear the cute clothes you just bought in another week because you might, I don’t know, catch a freaking COLD or something.

I’m making jokes, but I really am scared.

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2 Responses to OK, This is Getting Ridiculous

  1. Amity says:

    I get a lot of comments about how lucky I am to have lost all my baby weight (plus more). They have no idea what we sacrifice in terms of our own health. My keys to keep from wasting away completely: lots of coconut (oil, manna, milk, shredded) and avocado (even though its a trigger for ODS). Hope you’re on the road to recovery, finally.

    • Mama says:

      I love the weight loss in general; believe me – I needed to shed some poundage! But now I am seeing exactly what this is doing to my health in general (because I believe my limited diet is making it harder for my body to fight off these random infections we’ve been picking up). It truly is a sacrifice. And thanks, I do believe I’m recovering well now. 🙂

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