Hi, Mama! I’m getting ready to crawl! And by the way, fleece, flannel and a baby equals SERIOUS cuddle-ability!
Yesterday morning, not five minutes after the Geek left the house to go to work, Mr. Happy crawled for the first time!
Just a little one-two crawl, then he face-planted. But still! He crawled!
He did the same thing a little later in the day, just before the Geek got home from work. And then that evening, he started really crawling. More than just a one-two-splat; he made it a couple of feet across the floor.
I’m so excited!
I’m so scared!
Because Mr. Charm hasn’t gotten it through his head yet that We Do Not Eat In The Living Room. So there are crumbs there, despite my best efforts at multi-daily floor cleaning.
And now Mr. Happy is going to want to be on the floor all.the.time.
Where there are crumbs.
<hold me>
Sigh. I’m not going to let Mama Bear FPIES worries bring me down, though. Today, my littlest bear CRAWLED! Yay, Mr. Happy!!
Has anyone else been a little scared when your littles gained mobility?
Go Mr. Happy! It’s mixed blessing, isnt it? Our little guy has been crawling for a few weeks — we definitely vacuum and clean the kitchen floor four times as much! And it’s a full-time job keeping board books, Legos, etc. out of his mouth.
Congrats to you guys! Yes, it’s a mixed bag. But, I guess they’re going to grow up whether we like it or not. Just wish I could convince his older brother to STOP bringing food into the living room!