Bananas Are Back! (And So Am I)

Well, hi there! Long time no see! I know. I’ve been MIA for a while. My Dad even asked me if I’d stopped blogging. That’s a big NO! I have not stopped blogging. I just…stopped writing for a bit. Honestly, I don’t know what’s going on with me. I’m so … Continue reading

Bananas: Take 2

Even though Zac hadn’t returned to 100% baseline, on Saturday, we started re-trialing bananas. He’d gotten increasingly picky, and I was worried about his weight. Hey, it worked for quinoa, right? So far, okay. Saturday he had a good diaper, and no acute FPIES signs. Sunday he was a tad … Continue reading

God’s Providence

Yesterday’s recipe was a surprise to me. I wrote it and scheduled to post it last week – and forgot all about it! Just to give a little update, things are better. First, I want to thank you all for your concern, prayers, and insight. After the last post, I … Continue reading

I Don’t Know What To Do

It was another long night with Zac. At the end of yesterdays post I wrote about Zac’s sudden weird eye swelling late Sunday night/early Monday morning. So yesterday I spent a TON of hours on the phone with pharmacists and doctors. Both boys are now scheduled to see the allergist … Continue reading

Fall(ing Apart)

Last year I wrote about how fall always makes me feel like cleaning the house; like it’s time for a fresh start. Usually I do feel that way each fall. Not this year, though. Instead, this year I feel like I’m falling apart. Physically, we’ve dealt with being sick for … Continue reading

More Tips to Make Life Bearable When Your Whole Family is Sick

Having now endured yet another week of ‘whole family sickness’, I’ve learned a few more tips on how to make life bearable when everyone gets sick at once. You can read the first list of tips here. The first sickness that prompted the tip list was a respiratory illness. This time … Continue reading

Norovirus…And a Cold?

Well. What. A. Week. I wrote the last post Sunday night before bed, scheduled it to post bright and early the next morning, and went to sleep. Unlike Saturday night, Sunday night Zac would not/could not sleep without me laying right next to him. Preferably with a boobie in his … Continue reading

A Horrible Weekend

I’m a wreck. Friday afternoon we drove to my parents house. After a fun afternoon fishing in their pond, Darrel and I left the boys with Grandma and PopPop and came home for some alone time. Very early the next morning, the phone rang. It was my Mom, calling to … Continue reading


Saturday morning, Darrel and I sat over breakfast and discussed starting our next food trial for Zac. The plan had been to trial salmon, but when I commented how shocked I was that Zac had shown no reactions to the oats in the lanolin, Darrel pointed out that since we’ve already … Continue reading