What Do We Trial Next?

All FPIES parents eventually have to ask themselves the all-important question: What do we trial next? It’s an important, vexxing, terrifying question. Early on, Darrel and I came up with a list of foods we wanted to trial. We picked highly nutritious food to get the most bang for our … Continue reading

Sea Salt is Safe (and Miscellaneous Thoughts)

You know what is not fun? When you have to work the last week of August and the first two weeks of September, and life suddenly feels like “all work and no play”. That’s been my dilemma, and why I’ve been incredibly patchy on posting lately. There’s just too much … Continue reading

Flying High

Hope you had a fabulous Labor Day weekend! I took the day off from blogging because I was working. That’s okay, though! Other than suddenly being required to be at work a little more than I’d like, my family and I are flying high! (At least, for the moment.) As … Continue reading

How We Saved Our Marriage (Part 2)

Please read Part 1 of this story. So here’s the scene: I’m full-on, 100% ticked off at Darrel for his real and imagined transgressions. I decide we need to have a Serious Talk. That’s code for “I need to let Darrel know, in no uncertain terms, exactly how he’s ticked me … Continue reading

How We Saved Our Marriage (Part 1)

Last week I mentioned that Darrel and I have had to do some serious marital work lately, so I’m going to take a slight detour from the world of FPIES and Fructose Malabsorption and share that story. I’ve debated about sharing this for two reasons. One, because it’s not directly related … Continue reading

Salt Shaking

This weekend, Zac reached another milestone: sweet potatos are safe!! I. Am. Ecstatic! Sweet potatos are SO yummy and nutritious! After slightly over a week of sweet potatos, Zac’s weekly weigh in was a stupendous 28 pounds!! Plus, this week he’s done his usual “new food developmental leap”. He’s trying … Continue reading

Sweet Potato King

What. A. Week. As I said last week, I came home from work on Tuesday full of energy and zest. Two hours later I was wiped out. Then the kids and I all got hit with minor sniffles. I’m guessing environmental allergies is the culprit, as it’s all been runny … Continue reading

Two Years on a TED, and…Outgrowing FPIES?

Friday marked the two year anniversary of my FPIES TED. I remember waking up on August 8, 2012, excited but apprehensive about the new diet our family was beginning. If you had told me then that two years later I would still only be able to eat 15 foods, I would … Continue reading