Exploding Boobies, Broken Planes, and a 3 Year Old With a Flashlight

Thursday we resumed the banana trial for Zac, and it went so well I decided I could go to work over the weekend. I found a trip to work on Saturday that was quick and “easy”, but worth a decent amount of money. I thought I’d share with you how … Continue reading

FAAW Frugal Friday – Grocery Shopping With Food Allergies

Today’s Frugal Friday post is a little different than normal. Instead of offering a frugal tip, today I’m hoping to bring awareness of the costs of food allergies to NON-food allergic families.  Grocery shopping with food allergies is not for the faint of heart, you see.  Food allergy families are … Continue reading

FAAW: We Were Robbed

One thing that many non-food allergic families don’t often understand is the way food allergies restrict your life. It’s not something you consciously think about, but occasionally it hits you in the face just HOW much your life has been changed by the existence of food allergies. For FAAW, I … Continue reading

I Still Have FPIES Eyes

Long-time readers, you’re probably bored with this post by now, but because I have received such positive feedback on it, I’m re-posting it in honor of FAAW (Food Allergy Awareness Week). Just like I did last year.  Think of this as the “It’s A Wonderful Life” of my little food … Continue reading

Food Allergy Awareness Week 2014

My return to work last week was a huge adjustment for me and my family. Trying to balance Zac’s needs with our financial needs is a tricky tightrope to walk. One very positive thing came from returning to work, though: ADVOCACY. On any given day at work, I am placed … Continue reading

Na-na-na-na-na-na Let’s Go Bananas!

(Strangely enough, I miss The Fresh Beat Band on Netflix…) Before I begin today’s post I want to share that I’m home, and my fears about too-soon weaning are fading into the ether. As soon as Zac saw me, he started pulling at my shirt for boobie. He immediately nursed … Continue reading

Ten Thing I Wish I’d Known When My Kids Were Diagnosed With Food Allergies

This first trip back to work was good, but exhausting. Instead of trying to force my tired brain into writing, I thought I’d bring back a topic I’ve already addressed: Things I wish I’d known when we first got our food allergy diagnosis. Reading over this list today, I’m struck … Continue reading

Up, Up and Away!

Well, it’s official. I’m a working Flight Attendant again. Saturday morning I left home and I’m still on the road. It’s going…okay, actually. I could write a novel about these last few days, but in the interest of keeping it brief, here are the most important things we’ve discovered since … Continue reading

Juggling, Kickball & Goat Milk Trials

The concept of life being a juggling act is so well known it has become part of our vernacular. Why else would we say we “dropped the ball” on something? For the most part, I agree with the analogy. I do often feel like I have all my little “balls” … Continue reading