Little Boy Blues

It’s been a while since I really just wrote about what is happening with the boys, so here’s the latest: Jed is doing well on our Fructose Malabsorption diet, and we’re trialing him on different foods to see how he handles them.  So far, we’ve tried coconut shreds, coconut milk, … Continue reading

Vegan Cheese Quesadillas

I had to share this with you!  This was dinner for the boys last night: Pretty unremarkable looking, I suppose…until you find out that these quesadillas were made with homemade vegan cheddar that TASTES GOOD!!! I wish I could take credit for this recipe, but I cannot.  The brilliant mind … Continue reading

Banana Quinoa Breakfast Bake

A while back, one of the moms on the FPIES boards asked for quinoa recipes. Another Mama recommended the website Healthful Pursuit, saying she had a ton of quinoa recipes! Always on the lookout for new recipes – or inspiration for creating my own – I checked it out. Am … Continue reading

What’s In YOUR Honey?

This is just turning into a regular little series, isn’t it?  “What’s in YOUR ______?”  I try not to be paranoid or overzealous, but with my new FPIES Eyes, I’m finding more and more things to be disgusted about regarding our food/consumable goods supply.  So, I guess I’ve accidentally started … Continue reading

Cilantro-Lime Crock Pot Chicken

One thing I figured out early on in my elimination diet is that I’m basically eating a modified (and greatly limited) Paleo Diet. I’m not convinced that strictly Paleo is the way to go, but I can’t argue that grains (specifically wheat) and sugar are poison for my body! Consequently, … Continue reading

Homemade Breakfast Sausage

Long before I even became pregnant with Mr. Happy, I started making my own breakfast sausage.  By that point, Mr. Charm’s food issues had started our “reading labels” adventure, and I was sort of disgusted by what I found in most breakfast sausages.  It was enough to make you go … Continue reading