Perfect Pot Roast

One of my favorite meals is Pot Roast.  At the start of this elimination diet I felt confident I could maintain it because, well, my diet was basically variations of pot roast. At the risk of sounding boastful, I must say that I make an awesome Pot Roast.  Really.  Ask anyone … Continue reading

Hearty “Vegan” Creamy Chicken Soup

So here’s the story: it’s Monday afternoon, and time for me to make some dinner for my family.  I’ve fallen out of my meal planning routine months ago, thanks to Zac and Jed’s food issues (I have to get back into that!) and I have NO idea what to make … Continue reading

To Peel, or Not To Peel

We’ve seen great improvement in Mr. Charm since going fructose free.  He’s much better behaved, and his verbal development is speeding up.  Now, it seems, he wants  to communicate verbally, whereas before he was content with using his few words combined with gestures to get his points across. We’ve also … Continue reading