Ben Franklin Was Unoriginal, But I’ll Listen to Him Anyway

“Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” I always thought that was Ben Franklin’s original thought, but when Googling to make sure I was remembering correctly I stumbled upon Mama Lisa, who corrected her own Ben Franklin assumption with the evidence showing this … Continue reading

My Bloody Boys

Oh, blood.  I never thought Motherhood would bring so much blood into my life. Yesterday Mr. Charm’s first poopy diaper of the day had visible blood in it.  As I’ve stated before, that has only ever happened for him if he consumes dairy.  So I called the Geek at work … Continue reading

No Escape

Have you ever noticed that food is everywhere? No, seriously.  It’s in commercials, TV shows, movies, magazines, books, billboards…it is everywhere, and you can’t escape it. Mr. Charm is now in the 2-3 year old group at Sunday School, instead of in the nursery.  This is great!  He now gets … Continue reading