Quinoa Nuggets

When I shared our glorious quinoa pass, I was bombarded with cheery congratulations from tons of people. (Thanks again!) One of those lovely folks, Wendy, shared on my Facebook page that she makes quinoa nuggets for her kids. Her instructions were simple: “Puree cooked quinoa with Real Salt, a little … Continue reading

Cinnamon Seasoned “Nuts” – Allergy Free!

Before Halloween, I was looking around for treat recipes for Jed. Flipping through Living Without magazine, I was intrigued by one of their Halloween recipes: Sweet & Spicy Cinnamon Garbanzo Beans. I never got around to making it before Halloween, but better late than never, right? So I made it … Continue reading

To Quinoa, or Not to Quinoa…(of Buckets & Baseline)

Well, I think we might just be losing our minds. Or maybe it’s just a case of “desperate times calls for desperate measures”. In either case, Darrel and I had some intense discussions this weekend and have basically decided…”to hell with baseline” and “screw gut rest”. Baseline has been, thus … Continue reading

Emptying the Bucket

  Well. Long time no write. Sorry. So, last Monday we were Zombies because Zac had spent a weekend teething horribly with no amber necklace and kept us awake. We put the necklace back on him and suddenly he was much better…and I then spent the next two nights completely … Continue reading

Rocephin Reaction

Before my impromptu craft fair hiatus, I left our regularly scheduled posting with a cliff-hanger: Zac had an ear infection last week that required another round of Rocephin shots. Obviously, this is not great news; at the same time, though, I admit to being a little excited. After our last … Continue reading

A Weekend at the Apple Festival

Well, our big debut at the Apple Festival is over and done with, and I plan to put my energy back here again. Oh, and into my Etsy shop, too. Thank y’all for sticking around and being patient with me last week during our frantic rush to get everything ready … Continue reading

Vegan Sunbutter Cups

There are tons of “peanut butter cup” recipes online, but most of them are chock full of dairy and sugar. Since neither of those is okay for our household, I decided to tweak and make Jed a safe butter cup to enjoy. It was worth it! This is the first … Continue reading