Vegan Sunbutter Ice Cream

The other day, out of nowhere, Jed announced he wanted Sunbutter Ice Cream. To my knowledge, he’s never even heard  of Sunbutter Ice Cream before, so where he got this latest desire from I have no idea! (Maybe he’ll take after his Mama and be creative in the kitchen.) After … Continue reading

Quinoa Cookie

Sometimes not doing things the way you normally do leads to unexpected rewards. Like these cookies! I’ve said before that one of my time-saving kitchen tips is to cook a big pot of quinoa to leave in the fridge. Then I can simply scoop out however much I need as the … Continue reading

Delicious Dairy/Egg/Gluten & Fructose-Free Chocolate Cake AND Frosting!

(Edited Post Notes: I know, I know – I said this was Vegan, originally! Obviously, it is clearly NOT a Vegan recipe once you read through it. What can I say? My tired Mommy brain thought writing “dairy, egg, gluten, and fructose-free” looked too cumbersome and made the decision that … Continue reading

Vegan Sunbutter Cups

There are tons of “peanut butter cup” recipes online, but most of them are chock full of dairy and sugar. Since neither of those is okay for our household, I decided to tweak and make Jed a safe butter cup to enjoy. It was worth it! This is the first … Continue reading

Crispy Butter Candy Bar

This week has been an emotionally difficult week for me, with these wretched anniversaries reminding me of our rough year. So I decided that I needed to lighten the mood and indulge in a little not unhealthy, but not really healthy treat making. After Jed’s sudden comprehension of what a … Continue reading

Coconut Milk Vanilla Ice Cream with Homemade Magic Shell Topping

Once coconut milk was back on the menu, I dug out my old coconut recipes to see what I could do, and found our “favorite ice cream on earth recipe” made completely from coconut milk! This recipe is basically an internet staple; I’ve seen it in a million different places … Continue reading

Banana Ice Cream

I have something SO awesome to share with you, I can hardly stand it! I can take NO credit whatsoever for this delicious concoction. Most of my recipes are my own creations, or such a major overhaul of someone else’s idea that I can still claim it as my own. … Continue reading