
Mr. Happy is happy.  I think we have a baseline!  (knock wood)

“Don’t bug me now, Mama! I’m concentrating really hard on getting this thing into my mouth!”

The concerning symptoms from last weeks hand cream incident have worn away, and he’s back to being a happy baby again.

He wants to be held, or at least within 3 feet of someone (and they must be looking at, talking to, or in some way interacting with him) at all times, but I suspect he’s teething right now and that could easily explain the clinginess.

He is coughing, and occasionally gagging.  I’m thinking he may have reflux, just like Mr. Charm did.  However, there is some confusion in my mind over this now, because our GI said that “reflux is a symptom, not a condition.”

Well, if it is a symptom, a symptom of what?  FPIES?  How is that possible if he’s handling the Elecare fine now?  Why would he be refluxing to a safe food?

And if it is, in fact, reflux that must be treated with medicine, what medicines are safe?  Mr. Charm was on Prevacid, which I now know has dairy derivatives.  Totally NOT safe for Mr. Happy!

So, while there are still some questions, and there is still some working it through left to do, I’m tentatively happy that we seem to be at a safe food place for him…for now.

I still plan to try nursing him again, and next week will be 4 weeks on the elimination diet (ED), which was when we planned to begin again.

Fingers crossed that this is, truly, his baseline, so we can know right away if he’s not tolerating my breastmilk!

Do any of your LO’s have food intolerance complications with reflux?  What wisdom can you share?

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