The Trials Have Begun! – and “How to Toddler-Proof Your Hotel Room Door”

Thursday night last week, I received a distressing phone call.  My grandmother had been taken to the hospital, and my aunt was told that “it didn’t look good” and that she should “call the family in”. As it was late, the kids were asleep, and Darrel and I were both … Continue reading

Coconut Milk Vanilla Ice Cream with Homemade Magic Shell Topping

Once coconut milk was back on the menu, I dug out my old coconut recipes to see what I could do, and found our “favorite ice cream on earth recipe” made completely from coconut milk! This recipe is basically an internet staple; I’ve seen it in a million different places … Continue reading

Tips to Thrive at Complex Child Magazine

Today Complex Child published their April online magazine with the topic of “Caregiver Mental Health”. I’m thrilled that my article, “Tips to Thrive for Parents of Children with Special Needs“ is one of the featured articles this month! Please go check it out; it’s a great e-zine that covers almost every … Continue reading

Dairy and Fructose Free Chocolate Easter Bunnies

In February, I had a miserable time trying to make some Valentine’s Day chocolates for Jed.  The poor child has never had a chocolate bar in his life, and I was determined to make some for him!  I failed, but I vowed I would keep trying until I got it … Continue reading

FPIES and Nature Apparently Don’t Mix

On Monday I talked about Zac’s ongoing FPIES reactions, and how he’s had some “unidentifiable somethings that LOOK like they might be food, but really, I don’t know” in his diaper that were our only clue as to what might be causing his current acute/chronic reactions. And we really did … Continue reading

Easter Basket for My Allergic Kiddos

Jed is seriously allergic to eggs.  He’s also intolerant to dairy.  He also has issues with fructose – meaning most sweeteners are no good for him. Well, that just shoots Easter goodies right out of the water!  No hard-boiled, dyed Easter Eggs, no gigantic chocolate bunnies, no jelly beans or … Continue reading

Hearty “Vegan” Creamy Chicken Soup

So here’s the story: it’s Monday afternoon, and time for me to make some dinner for my family.  I’ve fallen out of my meal planning routine months ago, thanks to Zac and Jed’s food issues (I have to get back into that!) and I have NO idea what to make … Continue reading