Vegan Nut Butter Banana Cookies

This last week on Pinterest I have found some amazing recipes that were completely safe for my family – as written! Our specific needs are so, well, specific, this is almost an impossible task. And I’ve found TWO dessert recipes that I really don’t have to do anything to in … Continue reading

Tallow Hand Cream

Last August I wrote about Zac’s reaction to Aveeno hand cream. The oats just did him in. Consequently, I became terrified of beauty products! Since then I’ve searched for as natural and basic products as I can find for EVERYTHING…especially after he once had a mucousy diaper from my hair! … Continue reading

Planes, Trains and Automobiles: The Search for Stevia

Last weekend I was scheduled to work on Saturday evening, and unfortunately the 4th of July reduced flight schedule meant there were no direct flights between home and work at all on Friday or Saturday. Further challenging my commute to work is the fact that the few multi-stop flights available … Continue reading

When Mama’s Away…

Zac has FPIES reactions, apparently. This is the hard part of child care for an FPIES family; no matter how much the caregiver loves the child and believes that FPIES is real and serious, if they haven’t lived it every moment of the day they just don’t quite understand the … Continue reading

Quinoa Teething Crackers

When we started trialing quinoa, I got very excited. I knew that quinoa would offer a lot of variety in Zac’s diet (and, eventually, mine), and to start with I wanted to make him his very first teething cracker. I had seen a few recipes for homemade teething biscuits before, … Continue reading

The Cake Mistake

Last Saturday we had a double Birthday Party for the boys! Thanks to my sheer awesomeness, I forgot to invite anyone until Thursday night. Yeah, I know. I rock. Consequently, it was a family affair with just my parents, the boys, Darrel and myself. That’s okay, though, because this is … Continue reading