The Five Stages of Grief: FURY

Yeah. I know. It’s actually “anger”. You’ll understand. Let me tell you a story about Monday… Jed peed in his riding toy. It leaked all over the floor, of course. Before that, he head butted me in the face making my eye sore and tender. I decided to eat a … Continue reading

Frugal Fridays – The Moon Cup

Gentlemen, if you’re at all squeamish, stop reading now! Please come back on Monday. Today’s Frugal Friday post is all about that special, delicate time of the month when women would like to eat their weight in chocolate and cheese, rip the head off anyone who irritates them, wear nothing … Continue reading

Pumpkin Hemp Muffins – Vegan/GF/Fructose Friendly

Jed constantly digs through the pantry. He likes to stack and sort things, and pantry food is perfect for that. Today’s recipe comes from one of his pantry discoveries, and the subsequent nagging about two items we haven’t used before: canned pumpkin, and hemp hearts. I always stock up on … Continue reading

Why, Yes, I AM Still Nursing My 15 Month Old

The “looks” have started.  I suppose it was going to happen eventually; in fact, we’re probably lucky it has taken this long to start. Zac is pretty small for his age, so most people probably just assume he’s younger than almost 16 months old. But the “looks” have started, nonetheless. What … Continue reading

Stomach Bugs Can Bite Me

Last week I wrote about being fructosed. I was. It was rotten. It also served to mask the early symptoms of a stomach bug. One I didn’t decide I actually had until Wednesday. That’s right; I had a vicious stomach bug that took me at least three days to diagnose. … Continue reading

What Causes FPIES?

What causes FPIES? FPIES Mama’s often wonder this. Being Mom’s, we’re only too inclined to pile guilt onto our heads. We want to know if something we ate, drank, or did while pregnant made our kids sick. Fortunately, we have two Mama’s in our group who have twin children. In … Continue reading