Can a Dinosaur Play Tee Ball?

After the Ladies Prayer Retreat in March, I signed Jed up to play tee ball. He’s been doing so wonderfully with martial arts, but I wanted to see him participate in some sort of group activity. What says “all boy” more than hitting a ball with a bat, right? I … Continue reading

Ladies Prayer Retreat: Finding the Outside World Again

With all this updating going on, I’ve been mostly talking about Zac. Jed, however, has not been idle this whole time! He’s had lots of stuff going on in his life. Most of it, though, has to do with leaving the confines of our home, so it’s a good time … Continue reading

Summers Stories: The Shut-Ins Get Out!

Well, hello, there, strangers! Betcha thought I’d fallen off the face of the earth, right? Well, sort of. Not exactly. Okay, here goes: Let’s start with a little bit of trivia about me: I’m a Reader. A HUGE reader. If given the choice, I’d rather have a gift card to … Continue reading