Our New Team – The Allergist

After meeting up with the grandparents (my Mom and the Geek’s Dad) and Mr. Charm, we left to go find some food for me to eat.  We were quickly interrupted by a phone call from the allergists office asking if we were okay and where we were. I was a … Continue reading

It’s Always Something

Monday night, the Geek woke up in the middle of the night and went to eat some cereal.  Somehow, a bite of cereal managed to crack one of his teeth!  He said it hurt like crazy, and was not feeling very well Tuesday. The dentist said the tooth is not … Continue reading

No Escape

Have you ever noticed that food is everywhere? No, seriously.  It’s in commercials, TV shows, movies, magazines, books, billboards…it is everywhere, and you can’t escape it. Mr. Charm is now in the 2-3 year old group at Sunday School, instead of in the nursery.  This is great!  He now gets … Continue reading

Tips on Traveling With Toddlers With Food Allergies – Updated!

I decided to put my previous post about traveling with food allergies and kids to the ultimate test: I invited fellow travel experts, my Flight Attendant co-workers, to read it and add their two cents. Based on their input, I made a few additions to my new, improved list of Tips … Continue reading

Ten Things I Wish I Had Known When My Kids Were Diagnosed With Food Allergies

The day Mr. Charm was diagnosed with MPI, I felt my world crashing around my head.  If internet chatting is any indication, my experience was not unique.  Most regular pediatricians are not terribly helpful in giving you good tools to cope with such a diagnosis. Here’s what I wish someone … Continue reading

How Could an Accurate Diagnosis Still Be So Inaccurate?

Bright and early on Wednesday we had a follow-up appointment with the pediatric gastroenterologist.  This is the same doctor from the hospital; he apparently also has hours a few times a week in a town closer to us.  God Bless him!  When Mr. Charm needed a pediatric GI doctor, we … Continue reading

Infant/Toddler Unit

I woke up in the morning to discover that sometime in the night, Mr. Happy had decided that he no longer needed to be on oxygen.  He had pulled the canula out of his nose and it was over his head like a headband.  The nurse saw this while I … Continue reading