Summers Stories: Scared of the Meanies

I just had 11 days off from work in a row, and in that time I never once plugged in my computer or other electronics, only turned on the computer once (for my last post), and made almost no progress on straightening out the house from the last few months … Continue reading

Summers Stories: Kids Are Downright Adorable

I had a big old post written for today, and when I went to edit and re-read, I depressed myself. Sure, huge parts of our lives suck right now, but geez! If I’m getting tired of writing about it, I know you all are tired of reading it! The short version … Continue reading

Sea Salt is Safe (and Miscellaneous Thoughts)

You know what is not fun? When you have to work the last week of August and the first two weeks of September, and life suddenly feels like “all work and no play”. That’s been my dilemma, and why I’ve been incredibly patchy on posting lately. There’s just too much … Continue reading