When Mama’s Away…

Zac has FPIES reactions, apparently. This is the hard part of child care for an FPIES family; no matter how much the caregiver loves the child and believes that FPIES is real and serious, if they haven’t lived it every moment of the day they just don’t quite understand the … Continue reading

Back in the Boeing Again

I have now officially finished my first trip back to work. Honestly, it wasn’t too bad. Pretty much my entire time away was a series of me thinking “I can handle this!” followed by “I can’t handle this!” – repeat ad nauseum. It started with arriving in my domicile on … Continue reading

The Incredible, In-edible CORN

FAAW is nearing its completion. I have seen some beautiful, amazing testimonies to the effects of food allergies on families, and learned some new food allergy facts and trivia (yes, no matter how far in the food allergy rabbit hole you’ve fallen, you still learn new things all the time!). … Continue reading

Zac Probiotic Trial: Update IV

Well. I know you all sit anxiously by your computers, just waiting for my latest post to arrive every Monday through Friday, so I know I’ve been letting you down for the last two weeks with my sporadic posting. <grin> There’s a good reason for my late Zac probiotic update … Continue reading

Zac’s Probiotic Trial: Update III

OK, seriously, y’all.  I DO watch my son.  I DO make Herculean efforts to keep him from eating stuff he’s not supposed to have.  But Zac has an uncanny ability to locate and consume paper that I am just not fast enough to prevent. My dad has started calling him … Continue reading