Attack of The Vicious EGG and the Cunning Cheerio

Yesterday morning, the Geek let me sleep in just a little bit.  At 8:30 a.m., he walked from the living room, where all the boys were hanging out, to our bedroom, and said “Mama, get out of bed!”.  I woke up and said “OK”, he turned and walked back towards … Continue reading

Ten Things I Wish I Had Known When My Kids Were Diagnosed With Food Allergies

The day Mr. Charm was diagnosed with MPI, I felt my world crashing around my head.  If internet chatting is any indication, my experience was not unique.  Most regular pediatricians are not terribly helpful in giving you good tools to cope with such a diagnosis. Here’s what I wish someone … Continue reading

Infant/Toddler Unit

I woke up in the morning to discover that sometime in the night, Mr. Happy had decided that he no longer needed to be on oxygen.  He had pulled the canula out of his nose and it was over his head like a headband.  The nurse saw this while I … Continue reading