Infant/Toddler Unit

I woke up in the morning to discover that sometime in the night, Mr. Happy had decided that he no longer needed to be on oxygen.  He had pulled the canula out of his nose and it was over his head like a headband.  The nurse saw this while I … Continue reading

Intermediate Care Ward – Day 1

We were taken straight to the Intermediate Care Ward, which is the middle ground area between the regular ITU (Infant/Toddler Unit) and the PICU (Pediatric ICU).  The nurses, doctors and therapists were immediately tending to Mr. Happy, but one nurse took the time to provide us with pillows and blankets, … Continue reading

A Tale of Two Babies

It was the best of times, it was…the best of times!  I was pregnant with my first, long-awaited, child.  Any first time mother will know how terrified I felt at the prospect of being responsible for another human being, and how thrilled I was to finally become a Mother. Mr. … Continue reading