My Husband Carries Poopy Diapers in his Backpack

Yesterday Mr. Happy had two suspicious diapers.  They were mucousy, and sort of, maybe looked like a little tiny bit of blood…but I wasn’t sure.  Since we want to start nursing him again this weekend, I’d really like to know what his little body is doing before we start so any reactions are obvious.

So, this morning my sweet husband stuck a ziploc bag of two poopy diapers into his computer backpack and headed out the door.

What, you don’t carry things like that with you?

He went straight to the pediatricians office to have them guaiac-ed (tested for blood).  One tested negative, one had trace amounts of blood.

That’s good!  And, that’s bad.  Good because he’s obviously improved from July, but bad because his intestinal tract should be healed up enough that he has NO blood in his stool.  Bad because this makes the question of how he’s doing on the Elecare gray and murky instead of clear and easy.

It could be a small anal fissure, or it could be a slow build to Elecare reactions.  After he was born, he was perfect.  At a couple weeks old he started having mucousy diapers.  Then he had an FPIES reaction (that we didn’t know was an FPIES reaction).  Then bloody stool came.  Then Angel Flighted to Children’s.  Then transition symptoms to Elecare.  Then Happy Baby again!  Now, mucousy stool with microscopic blood.

If I am to follow patterns, here, I would guess that the next thing to show up is an FPIES reaction!  So, I guess it’s a good thing we’re going to start nursing him again, but I sure wish he was perfect, happy, with no gray and murky symptoms when I start.  It will be harder to know how he’s handling nursing this way.

And I have another diaper for my husband to stick in his backpack tomorrow.

What crazy-weird things have you or your spouse done in the name of taking care of your kids?

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