I’m Feeling Much Better Now, Thanks!

Sorry for the big time bummer of a post last week.  <shakes it off>  I’m feeling much better now!

In fact, I was feeling better within an hour of writing about my frustrations.

It didn’t take much; all I had to do was look at Mr. Happy’s amazing smile, watch Mr. Charm take it upon himself to entertain Mr. Happy when he was crying and I couldn’t pick him up, and see the understanding in the Geek’s eyes when I described how I was feeling.

I have a pretty awesome family, and they bring me such intense joy!

So, to remind myself – and you – that I’m not usually such a Gloomy Gus, I wanted to share some of the fantastic things I’ve been BLESSED with because  of FPIES, MPI, and food allergies.

  1. I have learned SO MUCH about our food system; where food comes from, how it is made, and that knowledge has allowed me to improve the quality of our food in ways I never would have imagined.
  2. I have learned so much about how our bodies work, and how best to care for the health of my family.
  3. I have witnessed the resilience of my children and been amazed at how incredibly, totally STRONG and ENDURING they are.
  4. I have been a part of laughter through tears, which, as any “Steel Magnolia” fan will tell you, is one of the best emotions out there!
  5. I have lived every day knowing my sweet husband was my rock.  Knowing that he supports his wife and children in every thing and in every way, and will move mountains with me for our family.  THAT is LOVE.
  6. I have become a much better cook, and I was already pretty good to start with!
  7. I have branched out and experimented with foods I never would have tried.  Example: coconut ice cream.  It’s probably BETTER than most dairy based ice creams I’ve ever had!
  8. I have found a strength within myself I didn’t know existed.  I had no idea the lengths I would go or the battles I could fight until my children needed me to.
  9. I have been taught patience and endurance.
  10. I have witnessed God’s amazing provisions.  When we saw no way out financially with Mr. Charm, somehow, our needs were provided for.  The same will happen for the situation we are in now.  I have faith in that!
  11. Most of all, my sweet boys and FPIES, MPI and food allergies are a packaged deal.  They come together.  There is NO WAY ON HEAVEN OR EARTH that I can even imagine not having my precious, adorable, perfectly wonderful little boys in my life…even with the health troubles they bring.  You take the good with the bad, they always say.  In my case, I take the bad with the STUPENDOUS!

My rant and blessing reminders over, we will now return to our regular programming!

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