Diagnosis: Transition? Build Symptoms? Don’t Know!

Mr. Happy seemed to be doing better on the Elecare last week.  He had a few days of Happy Baby – no clinginess, no vomit, very little spit up, doing great!  I thought it was just the transition to elemental formulas, and that he had pushed through to a new baseline.

The last few days, he’s been clingy.  He’s got a wheeze to his breathing.  He’s been spitting up a lot.  He’s vomited twice.  His poop has been mucousy again, and today, I spotted what could be a bit of blood in it.


Are those all transition symptoms?  Or is he back to having FPIES build symptoms?

Looking back with the benefit of FPIES vision, we noted that he had mucousy stools – sometimes with blood, wheezing, lots of spit up and occasional vomiting before his acute FPIES reactions.  So, those are  his build symptoms as of now.

But then there’s this whole complication of transition!  I don’t know what those symptoms are yet!  I’ve asked the experts on the message boards, and am now waiting for answers.  At this point, they’re the only ones who might know the answer.  Our allergist had never even heard of transition before.

I *really* hope this is just a fluke transition symptom experience, and that what I saw in his diaper wasn’t blood.  Still, I have my fingers crossed and am praying hard right now!

Join me?

Has anyone else gone through transition to elemental formulas?  How did it go for you?  Is this normal?

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