Dextrose Is Still Sugar

Mr. Charm on Sugar

I’ll take “duh” for $1000, Alex!

So, I mentioned how Mr. Charm was begging for a vitamin last week, and how I had to say no because it had sugar in it.

Well, I decided that, since it was Thanksgiving, I’d work on a few ‘treats’ for Mr. Charm to eat that wouldn’t strictly be in his fructose elimination diet.

I’m still fiddling with recipes, but I made a first attempt batch of pumpkin cookies last Friday night that Mr. Charm just loved!  (They weren’t up to the Geek’s or my Mom’s standards, so, still working.)

He licked the beater, licked the bowl, and ate 7 and a half cookies!

I couldn’t say no to him – though I did use the cookies as a bribe to get him to eat all of his dinner first.  It worked!  He cleaned his plate for the promise of another cookie!  Score!

It was so wonderful to see my son eating something so normal for a child to eat – cookies!  I can count on one hand the number of times he’s eaten a cookie in his life.

Within thirty minutes, I remembered WHY he’s only eaten a cookie so few times: the child is Ca-RAZY on sugar!

It’s like….the Tasmanian Devil on crack, y’all.  Seriously.

We started the bedtime routine at 7:30 p.m., as usual.  He finally crashed – and I do mean crashed! – a little after 11:00 p.m.!

Imagine, if you will, a 2 year old running in circles around the living room, screaming “yayayayayayayayayaya” the whole time.  Maybe that’s normal for 2 year olds; it’s NOT normal for Mr. Charm.  Well, unless he’s on sugar!

Believe it or not, it took the Geek over two hours to come to the realization that “Maybe it’s the dextrose that’s doing this to him!”  I didn’t figure it out at all until the Geek said it.  (Mama’s tired, y’all.)

When the Geek made that stunning proclamation, it made perfect sense.  But somehow, we had overlooked the fact that Dextrose is STILL SUGAR, even if it doesn’t have fructose in it.

It might be safe for Mr. Charm…but he still REALLY DOESN’T NEED ANY HELP BEING HIGH ENERGY.

So, he can have one – maybe two – cookies at a time.  And no later than after lunch.  Preferably after breakfast.

‘Cause chasing a streaking two year old around the living room two hours past bedtime because of a sugar high?  SO not fun for the ‘rents.

(Extra thought – dear God!  Can you imagine if I sent him to public school after eating a ‘normal’ SAD breakfast of sugar-laden cereal?  NO WONDER so many kids are getting drugged for ADD nowadays!  Those poor teachers!  He couldn’t sit still to save his life after so much sugar, and kids these days are pumped full of it constantly!  Connect the dots, folks!  OK – rant over.)

Do any of your kids turn into holy terrors after eating sugar?

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