All the Babies Are Back in the Nest

We woke up, made and ate breakfast, started tidying up the house, and then the Geek’s bosses wife called us.  Since we weren’t in the hospital any more, she wanted to go ahead with her plan to visit her sister in Little Rock and was wondering when we were planning to come pick up Mr. Charm.  Honestly, we were not planning on leaving him there as long as we did, but we were so tired, and we knew everyone was doing well at their house, so we were dragging a bit on our way out the door.  Suddenly, the dragging was over.  Quick showers and car loading, and we were off to pick up Mr. Charm.  (By the way, how AMAZING is this family?  K was willing to postpone a visit to her sister to help take care of Mr. Charm while we were in dire straights.  I cannot get over their generosity!)

I ran up the driveway to the house, and Mr. Charm saw me through the screen door.  He opened it, I knelt, held my arms wide open with a stupid grin on my face and shouted “Baby!” and he ran towards me with the most enthusiastic, joyful expression…then veered off and shouted “Bebe!” and ran for the car.

Talk about kick Mommy in the teeth!  (Not to worry; by evening he was hugging me again.)

We ran a few essential errands, one of which was to stop by the local chain pharmacy and rent a hospital grade breast pump.  If I’m going to be exclusively pumping for the next month, those are the way to go.

Finally, come nightfall, the whole family was safe, (relatively) healthy, and under one roof again.

Now came the time to start figuring out how to cook and what to eat…


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